Happyヨーロッパ移住|The Lancaster MBA


イギリスMBA|Strategic Brand Management - The Lancaster MBA

2012-08-04 | Lancaster MBA 2011 / 2012




写真下3枚 マンチェスター中心部から約30分のストックポートにあるReebok UK にて


Before studying de Chernatony’s article on strategic brand management, I did not have any useful tools of how to create, develop and evaluate a brand. As a consumer, to save time and avoid making a poor choice, I used to choose brands spontaneously without a careful evaluation of the products or services, although I did have some experience of luxury brands management at a department store in Japan.

Without deep analysis, I felt branded products or services which usually have a good reputation and a relatively long corporate culture and history are better than general ones, which do not have a unique character. When I managed the luxury brands at the department store, I mainly focused on store management including financial management, staff management, staff training and merchandise control rather than specific brand management.


However, after taking the strategic brand management module, I have begun to view the concept of brands from both external and internal perspectives. The process for building and sustaining brands, explaining the key issues and considering their applications gave me ideas of how to evaluate the brand instead of only relying on instinct and habit. It also taught me the importance of corporate culture, including a strong concurrence between a brand’s values, the organization’s values and employees’ values, which provides a critical role for a mindful manager.

Fortunately, at my final consultancy project ('corporate challenge'), our team could try to create a clear and strong message, looking at Reebok as a fitness brand for consumers, in order to differentiate its added values against competitors in the UK market. We could adopt the most suitable types of theories and models, which we have completed not only in brand management but also marketing, strategy and operation management into real business situations. It will help us to analyze complicated situations into simple elements and develop a clear and efficient strategic business plan for the client.


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This post is in fact a pleasant one it assists ... (Eugene Party Bus)
2013-10-10 14:07:34
This post is in fact a pleasant one it assists new web people, who are wishing for blogging.



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