PAGES OF MY LIFE ~著作権保護ページ~


Dangerous Days in March. 2013

2012年02月26日 03時00分14秒 | Weblog


===== Dangerous Days for the WORLD (and for the GROUP-6) =====

{ Alike Composition }
--- 9, 18, 27.
All other than 9, 18, 27.

By 2 --------------- 8, 23.

By 3 --------------- 3, 9, 24.

By 4 --------------- 4, 10, 13, 22, 25.

By 5 --------------- 5, 11, 14, 23, 26.

By 6 --------------- 6, 12, 15, 24, 27.

By 7 --------------- 7, 13, 16, 25, 28.

By 8 --------------- 8, 14, 17, 26, 29.

By 9 --------------- all days !

By 10 --------------- 1, 10, 16, 19, 28, 31.

By 11 --------------- 2, 11, 17, 20, 29.

By 13 --------------- 4, 19.

By 16 --------------- 7, 22.

By 19 --------------- 2, 10.

By 21 --------------- 4, 12.

By 22 --------------- 5, 13.

By 25 --------------- 8, 16.

By 29 --------------- 12, 20.

By 32 --------------- 15, 23.

By 33 --------------- 16, 24.

By 44 --------------- 27.


= About New Zealand in the Group-10 =

Thank you very much for helping Japanese people on that day.
I looked at your good faith and plaintive embarrassment on the day.

You should be careful 13 and 19th in August,
14th and 18th in September,
20th in October,
20th in November,
1st and 10th in December, etc. this year.

You are an independent Country.

Please take care of diplomatic relations,
not to place the change of a decisive state of your Country
in 2019.

{ GROUP-10 } Broad-Sense Classification ----------

The Bermudas, American Samoa, Tunisia, Burkina Faso,Chad, Angora, Djibouti, Reunion, Mayotte, Faeroe Islands,Luxembourg, Lithuania, the Vatican, Sweden, Nicaragua,Brazil, Paraguay, New Zealand, Tonga, Samoa, South Korea, Laos, India, Iraq, and Bahrain
-- further --
British Virgin Islands, St. Lucia, new Algeria, Niger, the Seychelles, Ethiopia, Norway, Guatemala, Midway Islands, Bangladesh, and the United Arab Emirates.


Hi, Sincere people in the world and the people of Group-10 in broad sense,
since you called me repeatedly, I am writing this.
Although I would like to keep timely and exact action in mind,
it seems that lack of time and a help are insufficient.
Since Japan will be made to decline about prosperity by someone,
I think that I lose time further.
However you, please take it easy and keep the time to laugh from the bottom of your heart every day.

I request ETHICAL ACTION to the permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations strongly.

But you,
May your environment be HEALTHY by sincerity!



1.Prohibition of a colonial policy.
 (takeover of foreign country's politics and decision, Threatening diplomacy) .
2.Eradication of racial discrimination and national discrimination.
 There are no superiority or inferiority in racial superiority or inferiority and national
 continuation value. (There are only Feeling --- Congeniality between two ---
 the difference in culture, and Data. )
3.The World needs to have a fair and transparent Law about Media in common.
 The report of the lie by global media is not permitted.
 It is the SLANDER to the Countries.
 The Instigation by the global false information to control by media is fraudulent practice.
4.And let's think again about the Privilege of Consulates and the Embassies.
5.Prohibition of the export and import of decomposition structure.
6.Prohibition of the riot act and criminal act in a foreign country, and the act which is
 not moral.
7.Prohibition about the secret experiment about a human body and mind.
8.Prohibition of agitating troubles.
 (Interceding is the moral and most important duty.)
9.Prohibition of a proxy war.
10.Prohibition of drug cultivation, Refining and those dealing, and export and import.
11.Prohibition of playing one's work about Incidents, Confrontations, and War.
12.Prohibition of creation and distortion about the fact and history.
 (The difference in an interpretation writes both mutually. )
13.Maintenance of the Equal Rights of All Countries.
 Secure the fundamental human rights of people of all the Countries and Areas.

          --- Misgovernment is a murderous act. ---