Jun's Blog in English


A lot of ‘Yaeh’

2022-09-12 09:30:53 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka again!

Yesterday, I joined a group motorbiking tour.
We were eight members.

We went to Chichibu area in Saitama Prefecture.
Since there are a lot of winding roads, this area is more popular
among riders.

We passed by other riders while driving, and at each time,
We said ‘Yaeh!’.
Yaeh is a greeting among riders in which we wave our hands
and cry out ‘Yaeh’ while on the road.

We sometimes had riders who never did ‘Yaeh’ when we wave our hands,
but almost every rider did it.
I enjoyed a lot of ‘Yaeh’ yesterday and I was happy to do them.

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