Irresponsibly Writing Japanese



2022-12-30 17:50:04 | Translation

Ref.>"今年の KOSPI、時価総額 430兆ウォン消えた"

>"李明博元大統領に恩赦、韓国大統領府の呪いは解けた?-- 中国メディア"


> 韓国・李明博元大統領 恩赦受け自宅に戻る| ニュース 2022年12月30日 | FT NEWS

↓(See detail of this article)、朝鮮日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Chosun Ilbo)

Translation; Former President Lee Myung-bak who pardoned due to special new year presidential pardon


> 新年特別赦免で4年9ヵ月ぶりに赦免・復権を受けた李明博元大統領が 30日午後、入院治療を受けてきたソウル市鍾路区のソウル大学病院を退院し、ノンヒョン洞の私邸へ移動しているところ。
Following photos show that former President Lee Myung-bak -- who was granted pardon with reinstatement due to special new year presidential pardon for the 1st time in four years and nine months -- was discharged from the Seoul University Hospital in Jongno District in Seoul City on Dec. 30 afternoon, where was hospitalized and treated, and is moving to his house in Nonhyeon-dong.

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