Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;杉田水脈議員(自民党)の X(on '24. 7/15)

2024-07-15 23:05:39 | Translation



> 杉田水脈 衆議院議員『慰安婦問題を巡る国際シンポジウム2024』

Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 7/15)


> 金沢に引き続き、昨日は名古屋で国政報告会。
> こちらは約 40名の方にお集まりいただきました。
> 名古屋は常連の方が多いかと思いきや、こちらも初めて「生」杉田水脈を見る、聞くという方もたくさんいらっしゃり、嬉しかったです。
> どの会場でも、メディア対策について

Following Kanazawa, I held a national politics report meeting in Nagoya yesterday.
This time, about 40 persons gathered the venue.
I thought that there would be many regulars in Nagoya, but I was happy to see that many persons, who saw and heard Sugita Mio "live" for the 1st time, were also there.
At each venue, I received many questions
(to be continued)

> 皆さん酷いメディアの偏向報道に、もう我慢ならないところまで来ています。
> 何を持って抵抗すればいいのか、具体的な例を示せたと思っています。
> 続いて行われた懇親会では、ドラゴンズバージョンの杉田水脈も。
> 皆さん、楽しんでいただけたでしょうか?

(to continue) about mass media countermeasures.
Every and each person has reached a point, where they can no longer tolerate the terrible biased reporting by the mass media.
I think I was able to provide concrete examples of how to resist.
At the social gathering after that, I revealed a Chunichi Dragons version of Sugita Mio.
I hope you all enjoyed it!

Is "this female" referring to me?


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