Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;新藤かな(港区区議会議員, 無所属)の X (on '24. 7/15)

2024-07-15 21:56:44 | Translation

Ref.>"【動画】論客ら、石丸氏の「政策」に総ツッコみ… 石丸伸二氏が固まり目線下に「あの、なので…」"

>"石丸伸二氏「自民党は限界なのかな」「トップに据えるなら入ってもいい」→ 反応『何この上から目線』『痛すぎん?』"


>【最新 7/15】石丸伸二 VS 泉房穂 泉房穂氏ブチ切れ、石丸伸二氏が固まり目線下に「あの、なので…」論客らが「政策」に総ツッコみ「給食費以外、何かやってまっか?」  #石丸伸二 #都知事選

Translation of X (* tweet) by Minato Ward councilor Kana Shindo (Ind., aka Princess Yuzuka, on '24. 7/15)


> 石丸氏、自分を支持するごく一部の資産家から言われた「一夫多妻制」という言葉が咄嗟に出てきたのだろうな。
> 港区で飲み歩きながら、石丸氏を支持する人たちの顔が浮かんできます。
> 確かに一部の人は、実質一夫多妻制を導入しているので、強烈に響くでしょう。

> 私も一夫多妻制の制度化自体は肯定します。
> 納税額に応じて娶れる妻の人数を増やすなど、扶養できる資金力がある人は、多くの子どもを残す選択肢があっても良いと思う。
> 女性の自己決定権と同意があることが大前提ですが、議論の余地はあるでしょう。

> ポイントは、一夫多妻制が導入されれば、子孫を残し放題なわけでも、複数の女性と性交渉できるわけでもないこと。
> 世の男性の多くは、その観点が抜け落ちてますよね。
> その自惚れと自己肯定感の高さが、男性って感じですけれどもね。

> お金だけで女性にモテるなら、あなたが指名し続けてるキャバ嬢ラウンジ嬢も、とっととあなたの子産んでますよって話。
> ましてや、未婚独身 41歳おじの石丸さんには、この女性の感覚はわからないでしょうね。
> と、未婚独身 31歳おばが言う構図になってますが😌
> 若年女性が安心して妊娠出産育児できる環境づくりが1番大切です。

I guess that Ishimaru instantly voiced a word "polygamy," which he was said by the small number of wealthy people who support him.
While I'm drinking alcohol in Minato Ward, the faces of those who support Ishimaru came to mind.
It's true that some persons are essentially practicing polygamy, so this word has a strong impact on them.

I also accept the institutionalization of polygamy itself.
I think that it's acceptable that a person, who has the financial means to support children, have an option to have many children, such as by increasing the number of wives a man can take depending on the amount of tax he pays.
The basic premise is that females have the right to self-determination and consent, but there is room for debate.

The point is, even though once polygamy is introduced, it means that a male can neither have unlimited offspring nor have sex with plural females.
A lot of males out there don't have that viewpoint.
That conceit and high self-esteem is what makes them so masculine, though.

I mean that, if money alone were enough to make you popular with females, the hostess you keep requesting would have your child already.
And what's more, Ishimaru, an unmarried 41-year-old male, wouldn't understand this feeling of females.
An unmarried 31-year-old female is saying so😌
What does matter most is to create an environment, where young females can get pregnant, give birth, and raise children with peace of mind.

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