Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


Daily IWJ News('24. 7/9)

2024-07-09 23:57:23 | Daily IWJ News


↓、同じく "水増し"を否定しているだけで、"そよ風"も "虐殺"自体は否定していないでしょう;
Ref.>"アメリカで提訴された現代自動車… 電気自動車販売数を水増し"

↓、一方で、こちらの "虐殺"を、"韓国"政府は "無かった"事にしています;
Ref.>"【韓国】「ハミ村を韓国軍が襲った」…ベトナム戦争虐殺生存者、謝罪の言葉聞けず 50年以上"

↓、この機に、"岸田"首相が、"ヴェトナム"戦争での "韓国軍"の "蛮行"を、厳しく"糾弾"、、、あり得ないでしょう(溜息);
Ref.>"Translation; Japan-S. Korea summit meeting is likely to be held on the sideline of a NATO summit in the U.S. = a senior official of the S. Korean Presidential Official"


↓、"自国"政府の税収に "貢献"せず、"日本"にて、、、"親日罪"(* "反民族法"違反)により "死刑"に処すべきでしょう;
Ref.>"訪日韓国人が急増 「何もかもが安くて大興奮した」 楽天やビックカメラがサービス拡充"

↓、せっかく "日本"に来たなら、"朝日新聞"本社前に集結し、その "社旗"に "抗議"したらよろしかろう;

>"Translation; A Mercedes-Benz with the Rising Sun flag appeared once again in S. Korea = "they're both at fault." & "It's not patriotism," S. Korean netizens expressed so to the angered witnesses"

↓、次にこれ、"R4 & 立憲共産党"効果の賜物でしょう;

>"コメンテーター「蓮舫さんは言い方がキツい」→ 女性さん「蓮舫さんに怒られたことでもあるのか?まずは感謝だろうが」"

>"蓮舫氏、やまぬ批判にうんざり「男性になら言わない表現…さすがに酷い」→ 批判殺到『男女関係ない』『そういうとこだぞ』"


>"東京都内に違法に貼られまくった Rステッカーの件を質問された蓮舫氏、『主語は?』『全く意味がわからない』で逃げ切る…(※動画)"

>'蓮舫氏の敗因、"自称"長年友人・東国原氏が指摘「昔からの友人なんで、厳しいこと言いますけど…」→ 蓮舫氏「この方は友人ではない」'

↓、次にこれ、早速 "バケの皮"が剥がれて幸いですが、万一、"当選"していたら、"これ"が日本の首都 "東京"の、4年間、"知事"であったとは、、、(冷や汗);





>'【構文】Z李さん「もし "箱◯ル"に石丸さんが来たら」&「もし石丸さんがメンエスに来たら」豪華二本立て'




Ref.>"靖国神社に「トイレ」と落書き疑い、中国籍の男を器物損壊容疑で逮捕… 仲間の男2人は出国"

↓、これについては、"左翼"御一同は、早く "憲法9条"の威力を以て、"中国"軍を "阻止"して見せたらよろしかろう;
Ref.>"Translation; Taking off and landing by fighters and helicopters were confirmed and Air SDF fighter jets scrambled = four Chinese PLA Navy vessels including aircraft carrier "Shandong" conducted activities in the Pacific Ocean"


>"崔碩栄の X(on '24. 7/9)"

>"西村博之(ひろゆき)の X(on '24. 7/9)"

>"杉田水脈議員(自民党)の X(on '24. 7/9)"

>"白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 7/9)"

>"門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 7/9)"

>"6千人虐殺説はホラーストーリー 雑誌正論「朝鮮人虐殺」は慰安婦問題化する その1"

>"香港の大手銀行が刑罰を受けた民主活動家らの口座を無断で凍結。閉鎖 対象は 3000人以上の口座か"

>"中国で政府や国有企業の幹部になりすました投資詐欺への取り締まり強化へ AI活用で巧妙化する手口に警戒感"

>"中国の若者の深刻な結婚離れが出生率の低下に直結 2100年には人口7億6667万人以下になると国連予測、上海研究者からはさらに厳しい数字も"



>"French National Assembly Election: Rise of Right-Wing Forces has been Thwarted, But Divisions are Deeper"

>"Tokyo Metropolitan Assemby By-Elections: Distrust of Established Political Parties at Crisis Level"

>"The China Factor in US Elections"

>"Japan's Final V-22 Osprey: A Powerful Tool to Deter China"

>"Japan Men's Basketball Squad Unveils its Roster for Paris Olympics"

>"EDITORIAL | New Banknotes Remain Valuable Even as Cashless Payments Rise"

>"[ICE TIME] Japan's Best Skaters Get Start on New Season at Annual Training Camp"

>【Front Japan 桜】東京都知事選挙にみる全体主義の兆候 / フランス国民議会選挙の結果を受けて / インバウンド時代の日本はこう見られる~映画『怨泊 ONPAKU』[桜R6/7/8]


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翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 7/9)

2024-07-09 23:21:56 | Translation

Ref.>"Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike Wins Third Term"

>"3rd Term as Governor: How Will Koike Lead Tokyo Amid Numerous Issues?"

>"靖国神社に「トイレ」と落書き疑い、中国籍の男を器物損壊容疑で逮捕… 仲間の男2人は出国"


> 安倍総理の志を継げるのは 高市総理しかない‼ / 安倍総理の理念を全く理解しない菅氏 世界と対等に渡り合う為に高市総理一択【マンデーバスターズ】334 Vol.4 / 20240708

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 7/9)


> 岸田首相と小池都知事が官邸で会談。
> 小池氏は演説妨害のヤジや、候補乱立でポスターの掲示場所が不足する等の問題で公選法改正も含めた対応を首相に求めた。
> ヤジ連呼の演説妨害を表現の自由とする "廣瀬孝判決"や左翼メディアによって日本の民主主義は破壊された。
> 立て直しを!

PM Fumio Kishida and Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike held a meeting at the Kantei (* PM's Official Residence).
Gov. Koike requested the Prime Minister to take measures, including amending the Public Offices Election Law, in order to address issues such as "heckling to disrupt speeches," "insufficient spaces to display posters due to the large number of candidates," etc.
Japanese democracy has been destroyed by the "Hirose Takashi ruling," which acknowledged disrupting speeches with repeated heckling to be "freedom of expression," and the leftist mass media.
Reconstruciton is necessary!

>"小池百合子都知事、演説ヤジやポスター掲示場所不足など公選法改正を提起 岸田首相と会談"


> 選挙自体が終わったので自己規制の必要がなくなり、様々な動画が upされている。
> 藤原かずえ氏の「善人アピールのために敵対する相手を悪者扱いして叩くのが蓮舫氏なら、賢人アピールのために効果的な相手を愚者扱いして叩くのが石丸氏。いずれも相手を叩きのめし自分を高く見せる自己実現モンスター」との分析が面白い。
> それにしても人格が "破綻"している…

Now that the election is over, it's therefore no longer necessary for self-censorship, and various footages are being uploaded.
Kazue Fujiwara's analysis is interesting that "Renho is the type who treats her opponents like villains and attacks them, in order for her appeal to be a good person. On the other hand, Ishimaru is the type who treats effective opponents like fools and attacks them, in order for his appeal to be wise. Both are self-realizaction monsters, who crush their opponents to make themselves look superior."
Anyway, their personalities are "broken"...



> 田母神俊雄氏が「都の土地が売られる、火葬場が8割も中国人に買われている。火葬場の使用料が上がっておちおち死ねない。土地や公共施設が外資の手に落ちないよう国や都はなぜ手を打たないのか。やがて外国人による土地転がしで国民が苦しめられる事に」と。
> 都民を思う田母神氏に拍手。
> お疲れ様でした

(* Former Air SDF Gen.) Toshio Tamogami X-posted that "Land in the capital are being sold, and 80% of the crematoriums have been bought by Chinese persons. The crematorium usage fees have gone up, I therefore can't die in peace. Why don't the central government and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government take measures to prevent land and public facilities from falling into the hands of foreign capital? The persons will suffer sooner or later as the result of succesive resel of lands among foreigners."
Applause for Tamogami, who cares about the Tokyo residents.
Thank you for your hard work.



> 靖国の石柱への落書き & 排尿事件から1か月半。
> 警視庁公安部は共犯の朝霞市在住の 29歳中国人を器物損壊容疑などで逮捕。
> 周辺の防犯カメラ映像等で特定に成功した。
> 正に執念の捜査。
> 公安部は更に仲間2人の行方を追っている。
> 国際指名手配など妥協を許さない姿勢で再発を防止せよ

A month and a half has passed since the graffiti and urination case on the stone pillar of Yasukuni Shrine.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's Public Security Bureau arrested a Chinese male (29) from Asaka City, who was an accomplice, on suspicion of property damage and other offences.
They successfuly identified him by using security camera footages aroud the area, etc.
This is truly a dogged investigation.
Furthermore, the Public Security Bureau has been investigating the whereabouts of two his accomplices.
An uncompromising stance, including an international wanted warrant, must be taken to prevent a recurrence.

>"靖国神社に「トイレ」と落書き疑い、中国籍の男を器物損壊容疑で逮捕… 仲間の男2人は出国"

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翻訳;白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 7/9)

2024-07-09 22:35:29 | Translation


>'【構文】Z李さん「もし "箱◯ル"に石丸さんが来たら」&「もし石丸さんがメンエスに来たら」豪華二本立て'

>"東京都内に違法に貼られまくった Rステッカーの件を質問された蓮舫氏、『主語は?』『全く意味がわからない』で逃げ切る…(※動画)"

>'蓮舫氏の敗因、"自称"長年友人・東国原氏が指摘「昔からの友人なんで、厳しいこと言いますけど…」→ 蓮舫氏「この方は友人ではない」'


Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 7/9)


> 杉田さん、ありがとうございます。
Thank you, LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP).



> 愚直に民主主義をやるつもりがない奴ほど、「民主主義のために」とか「新しい民主主義」とか「民主主義の破壊」なんぞと民主主義をやたらと使う。
> 同類になるのは真平御免の介。

The more someone has no intention to honestly implement democracy, the more he or she use rampantly voice democracy, such as "for the sake of democracy," "new democracy," and "destruction of democracy."
I'd like to say that "It's you, who are enemy of democracy," but I'll refrain.
I don't want to fall into the same category absolutely.

> なるほど。
> 解説ありがとうございます。

I see.
So, a "new form of democracy" means "politics led by the JCP."
Thanks for your explanation.



> 蓮舫さんの陣営は早く Rステッカーを剥がさないと、あれを見るたびに、「事前運動上等で共産党と手を組むために無所属で都知事選に出て3位だった蓮舫さんのステッカーだ」と思い出すことになるよ
Unless Renho's camp doesn't remove the "R stickers" soon, every time they see it they remind that "it's a sticker of Renho, who ran as an independent in the Tokyo gubernatorial election in order to team up with the JCP, and came in 3rd place, who didn't hesitate to do pre-election campaigning."

> 安芸高田市議 A
> 安芸高田市議 B

Akitakata City councilor A
"I think it's good that Koike was elected for her 3rd term, as the Tokyo residents were almost deceived."
"If you listen carefully, there's almost no substance to Ishimaru's political and financial reconstruction. Nevertheless, he's just good at being popular."
Akitakata City Council Member B
"In the end, Ishimaru has wrecked Akitakata City for four years without any achievements. He probably thought he couldn't win the next election if it went as it was, so he fled to Tokyo."
"He was a dictator who didn't respect the dual representative system, which is a characteristic of a local assembly, and just only progressed matters in his own way."

>"「当選していたら東京でもとんでもないことしていたよ」石丸伸二氏の躍進を安芸高田の市議たちはどう見たか?「独裁、パワハラ… 彼は安芸高田をガタガタにした」「後継者が落選したのが民意」"

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翻訳;西村博之(ひろゆき)の X(on '24. 7/9)

2024-07-09 21:28:29 | Translation





> 石丸伸二氏に今後を直撃、都知事選で2位躍進 「新党」構想は?

Translation of X (* tweets) by Hiroyuki Nishimura (aka Hiroyuki, on '24. 7/9)


> 女性には論破されるぐらいが大人の対応なのですよ。。。
I can tell you that being defeated in an argument by a female is the adult way to deal with.




> 石丸伸二さんが国会議員にならないなら首長狙いになるけど、安芸高田市規模だと「安芸高田市でやれ」となるし、縁もゆかりもない所だとキツイ。
> 東京のような地元民比率の低い所で規模の大きい自治体だと、渋谷区・杉並区・葛飾区の区長選とか?

If Shinji Ishimaru doesn't become a national lawmaker, he will aim to become the head of a local government. However, if it's the size of Akitakata City, he'll be said to "do it in Akitakata City." If it's a place where he has no ties or connections, it'll be tough for him to be elected.
In a large municipality with a low ratio of local residents like Tokyo, perhaps the mayoral elections for Shibuya, Suginami or Katsushika wards?

>"都知事選敗戦の石丸伸二氏「広島1区も選択肢」発言の意図 「メディアの皆さんが反応するからそう言ってる」"

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翻訳;崔碩栄の X(on '24. 7/9)

2024-07-09 20:33:11 | Translation


>"コメンテーター「蓮舫さんは言い方がキツい」→ 女性さん「蓮舫さんに怒られたことでもあるのか?まずは感謝だろうが」"

>"蓮舫氏、やまぬ批判にうんざり「男性になら言わない表現…さすがに酷い」→ 批判殺到『男女関係ない』『そういうとこだぞ』"


> NHK 都知事選開票速報で「2位じゃダメなんでしょうか」映像を流すが話題

Translation of X (* tweet) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 7/9)


> 既視感
> 蓮舫氏の街頭演説を見て
> をみてどこかで似たような印象を受けたことがあるな、と思ったがそれが誰か浮かばなかった。
> やっと今朝気づいた。
> 山本太郎だ🤔

Deja vu.
When I viewed a Renho's street speech, I noticed the following characteristics and thought that I had been impressed in a similar way somewhere in the past;
* Fast-paced tone
* Overall intonation and emotional expression
* Continuous speech as if she had memorized it all by rote
However, I couldn't remind who it was.
Finally, this morning, I realized.
It was Taro Yamamoto🤔

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