Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:[チャンネル正論]. 際限なき 杉田水脈氏への糾弾

2024-05-11 23:19:46 | Translation

Ref.>"川でのサケ漁めぐるアイヌ先住権訴訟 札幌地裁 訴え退ける"


>【櫻LIVE】第603回 - 竹田恒泰・作家 × 櫻井よしこ(プレビュー版)

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; [Channel Seiron]. Endless condemnation of LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP)

>"[チャンネル正論]. 際限なき 杉田水脈氏への糾弾"

> 施行から5年を迎えるアイヌ施策推進法は施行状況を踏まえ、必要なら所要の措置を講ずることが付則に明記されている。
> 自民党の杉田水脈衆院議員による投稿に対するリベラルメディアの糾弾は際限なく続き、ここにきて罰則規定を求める声が強まっている。
> 政府はさすがに消極的とされるが、何が問題か。
> 月刊「正論]」発行人、有元隆志と同編集委員、安藤慶太が解説する。

"Act on the Promotion of Ainu Culture, and Dissemination and Enlightenment of Knowledge about Ainu Tradition, etc" (aka Promotion, etc. of Ainu Culture), which has been in effect for five years, clearly stipulates in a supplementary provision that necessary measures will be taken if necessary, based on the implementation status.
Liberal mass media's condemnation of posts by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP) has continuously done endlessly. In nowadays, there is a growing voice for penalty provisions.
As expected, the government is allegedly negative about that, and what's the problem?
Takashi Arimoto, the publisher of the Monthly Magazine "Seiron," and Keita Ando, editorial committee of the Monthly "Seiron," explain that in the following footage.

> 際限なき 杉田水脈氏への糾弾

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