Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;小泉進次郎氏「有力者でも改革派いる」 麻生氏との面会問われ

2024-09-26 01:13:09 | Translation

Ref.>"小泉進次郎氏、麻生副総裁と面会 「力を貸してください」"

>"小泉進次郎氏「日本の出る杭になる!」力説 → 反応『杭にもならないから打ちようが無い』"

>"滝川クリステルさん公式声明要約「進次郎と私は別、一緒にしないで、私は私、進次郎には関与しません」→ 『つまり、ファーストレディにはならないと言う事ですね』"


> 自民党総裁選「3強」のアキレス腱、八幡和郎氏連載「国家指導者」

Translation; "There are party heavyweights who are reformists" = Shinjiro Koizumi replied so in response to a question about his meeting with Taro Aso

>"小泉進次郎氏「有力者でも改革派いる」 麻生氏との面会問われ"

> 自民党総裁選(27日投開票)に出馬している小泉進次郎元環境相(43)は 25日、麻生太郎副総裁ら党重鎮に相次ぎ面会していることについて問われ、「選挙で1人でも多くの人に支援のお願いをするのは当たり前だ」と強調した。

On Sept. 25, Shinjiro Koizumi (43), former Minister of the Environment who is running in the LDP presidential election (vote casting and counting on the 27th), was asked about his repeated meetings with party heavyweights including Vice President Taro Aso, and he emphasized that "It's only natural to ask for the support of as many people as possible during an election."
He also said that "Some say that it will possibly become impossible to reform due to conjecture. However, it's completely wrong to say that influential persons aren't reformists. There are party heavyweights who are reformists."

> 東京都内で記者団の取材に答えた。
> 小泉氏は「次の時代に間に合わせるようなスピードを上げた政治を実現したい。この思いを改めて伝えて勝利をつかみたい」と意気込んだ。
> 小泉氏は 24日に麻生氏と面会し、議員票の上積みに向けて協力を求めていた。

Koizumi replied so in a coverege in Tokyo by reporters.
He enthusiastically said that "I want to realize accelerated politics so that it will be in time for the next period. I want to convey this sentiment once again and win."
Koizumi held a meeting with Aso on Sept. 24 and asked for his cooperation in order for increasing the number of Diet members' votes.

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