Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;盗難仏像の早期返還求め決議可決 長崎・対馬市議会、韓国に

2024-09-26 23:23:40 | Translation

Ref.>"韓国の寺、対馬の仏像返還に同意 ネット激怒"

>"対馬の仏像、条件付き返還承諾に… 観音寺・前住職「10年間だまされてきた。また、だまされるかも...」"


Translation; The Tsushima City Council in Nagasaki passed a resolution to request S. Korea early return of the stolen Buddhist statue

>"盗難仏像の早期返還求め決議可決 長崎・対馬市議会、韓国に"

> 長崎県対馬市の観音寺から 2012年に盗まれ韓国に持ち込まれた仏像について、対馬市議会は 26日、韓国政府関係者に早期返還を求める決議を可決した。
> 日本返還を事実上決定した昨年10月の韓国最高裁判決から間もなく1年を迎えるが、返還に向けた日韓両国政府の調整は遅れており、促す狙いがある。

Regarding the Buddha statue stolen from Kannonji Temple in Tsushima City, Nagasaki Pref., and then brought to S. Korea in 2012, on Sept. 26, the Tsushima City Council passed a resolution calling on S. Korean government officials to return it promptly.
It will soon be a year since the Supreme Court of Korea sentence in October last year, which effectively decided the statue's return to Japan. However, coordination between the Japanese and Korean governments toward the return has been delayed, therefore it's aimed to prompt that.

> 決議は、朝鮮王朝時代からの韓国と対馬の交流に触れ、最高裁判決により「対馬市民は速やかなる返還がなされていると思っていた」が、いまだ実現していないと指摘。
> 盗まれた長崎県指定有形文化財「観世音菩薩坐像」は、市民の心のよりどころだとし「早期返還を韓国政府関係者に強く求める」と訴えた。

The resolution commented on the exchanges between (S)Korea and Tsushima since the Joseon Dynasty (* Yi Dinasty) period, and pointed out that, following the Supreme Court of Korea sentence, "the citizens of Tsushima have thought that the statue would be returned promptly," but not yet realized.
It stated that the stolen "the seated statue of Avalokitesvara," a prefecturally designated tangible cultural property, was a source of comfort to the citizens, and appealed that "We strongly call on S. Korean governmental officials to return the statue as soon as possible."

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