Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;高市氏、首相就任でも靖国参拝 「普段通り淡々と」

2024-09-26 00:34:45 | Translation


>{特別無料配信} 12周年言論テレビフェスタ/竹田恒泰「国史の真髄」・総裁選「高市早苗」を勝たせる!

Translation; "As usually & calmly" = Sanae Takaichi will visit Yasukuni Shrine even if she become prime minister

>"高市氏、首相就任でも靖国参拝 「普段通り淡々と」"

> 自民党総裁選に出馬している高市早苗経済安全保障担当相は 25日のBSフジ番組で、首相に就任した場合の靖国神社参拝について「適切な時期に普段通り、淡々とお参りしたい」と述べた。
> 高市氏は春・秋の例大祭と終戦の日に参拝してきた。

Sanae Takaichi, Minister of State for Economic Security, who is running for the LDP presidential election, said in a BS Fuji program on Sept. 25 about visiting Yasukuni Shrine if she becomes prime minister, "I would like to visit the shrine as usually and calmly at an appropriate time."
She said that "Yasukuni Shrine is not a facility that glorifies war, it therefore should not be made into a diplomatic issue. I would like to be honest with my feelings."
Takaichi has visited the shrine at the annual spring and autumn festivals and the anniversary of the end of the war.

> 小泉進次郎元環境相は終戦の日に参拝してきたと語る一方、首相に就いた際は「適切な判断が必要だ」と述べた。
> 石破茂元幹事長は自身の参拝に関して明言を避け、天皇陛下が参拝できる環境整備が必要だと指摘した。

Former Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi said that "appropriate decisions will be necessary" when he becomes prime minister, while saying that he visited the shrine on the anniversary of the end of the war.
Former Secretary General Shigeru Ishiba avoided making any clear statements about his own visits to the shrine, while pointing out that it's necessary to create an environment in which the emperor can visit the shrine.

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