Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:岸田首相、杉田水脈政務官の更迭否定 過去の発信巡り

2022-12-01 07:05:52 | Translation



>"「百年記念塔」北海道ツアーを敢行! 参加者募集開始!"

>"【動画】塩村氏「国連出席してブログで在日コリアンやアイヌ民族を侮辱した!」→ 杉田氏「事実ですがまだ一般人…」→ 塩村氏「エーーーーーーー!!!」"

>【アイヌの金を政治利用する悪い人たち】アイヌとは?①【アイヌ・ウポポイ特番】小野寺まさる×長尾たかし 20221107

Translation; PM Fumio Kishida rejected to dismiss Parliamentary Vice-Minister for the MIC Mio Sugita (LDP) over her remarks in the past

>"岸田首相、杉田水脈政務官の更迭否定 過去の発信巡り"

> 岸田文雄首相は 30日の参院予算委員会で、杉田水脈総務政務官の更迭を改めて否定した。
> 野党が過去の発信などを問題視して辞任を求めていた。

At the UH Budget Committee on Nov. 30, PM Fumio Kishida once again rejected to dismiss Parliamentary Vice-Minister for the MIC Mio Sugita (LDP) .
He said that "Now, she is a member of the government, I therefore woule like her to fulfill her responsibilities according to the governmental policy."
Opposition parties have required her to step down, by problematizing her past remarks.

> 杉田氏は過去の月刊誌の論文で性的少数者(LGBTなど)について「生産性がない」と記した。
> 同日の予算委では自身のブログで国連女性差別撤廃委員会の会合の出席者をやゆしたことも指摘された。

(* not only LH lawmaker Naoto Kan (CDPJ) but also) LH lawmaker Sugita wrote in her report contributed to a monthly magazine in the past that sexual minorities (such as LGBT) were "not productive."
At the same day's Budget Committee meeting, it was also pointed out that she ridiculed attendees at a meeting of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women on her blog.

> 立憲民主党の塩村文夏氏が「人権感覚が疑わしい」と批判して首相に更迭を求めた。

She wrote that "Even chima-jeogori (hanbok) and aged female(s) in Ainu costume appear. They are completely problematic in their dignity."
UH lawmaker Ayaka Shiomura (CDPJ) criticized that "sense of human rights is doubtful" and required the PM to dismiss her.

> 杉田氏は投稿を認め「至近距離で罵声を浴びせられた。このような感想を持つのは仕方がなかった」と釈明した。
> 首相は「内閣の一員になる前の言動については、政治家自身が説明責任を果たし、適切に対応してもらわなければならない」とも語った。

Sugita acknowleged the her blog-entry, and explained that "At close distance, I was abused. It therefore could not be helped but to hold such impression."
The PM said that "When it comes to behaviors before becoming a member of the Cabinet, a politician him/herself should fulfill accountable responsibility, and address properly."

> 杉田氏は日本の保育所を巡る問題とコミンテルン(共産主義インターナショナル)を結びつけた過去のニュースサイトへの投稿を撤回する考えも示した。

Sugita also showed thinking to retract her post o a news site in the past, which linked the problem of daycare centers in Japan with the Comintern (Communist International).
She said that "It can't be confirmed as a fact, it was therefore a careless remark."

> とある出版社の超電磁砲 1/4

> とある出版社の超電磁砲 2/4

> とある出版社の超電磁砲 3/4

> とある出版社の超電磁砲 4/4

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