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無人機の未来 軍事目的から→警察、民間利用へ

2011-12-11 | アメリカ国内
Look, Up In The Sky! It's A Drone, Looking At You
空を見ろ! 無人機が君を監視しているぞ。

by Brian Naylor
December 5, 2011


Ross D. Franklin/AP
A Predator drone takes off on a U.S. Customs Border Protection mission from Fort Huachuca, Ariz. プレデター(無人機が)アリゾナのフアンチュアから国境の監視任務のために飛び立っている。

Unmanned aircraft — or drones — are playing a large role in U.S. military operations in Afghanistan, but they're starting to show up the the skies above the U.S. as well. Drones are already used to patrol the border with Mexico and now they may soon be coming to a police department near you.
無人飛行機・・(ドローン)・・がアフガニスタンの米軍の作戦に大きな役割を果たしているが、米国内でも同様にそれらが上空で活躍し始めている。 無人機は既にメキシコとの国境巡視に使われているが、あなたの近くの警察で登場する日も、そう遠くはない。

Just consider a video on drone manufacturer AeroVironment's website: Police officers chase a suspect to his home. The suspect runs behind the house, out of sight. The officers open the trunk of their patrol car and pull out what looks like a toy model aircraft with four rotors and a video camera. They launch the aircraft, which allows them to monitor their suspect's movements through a video feed on an iPad-like tablet and, ultimately, to apprehend him.
メーカーのアエロバーロメント社のウェブサイトの無人機のビデオを見て欲しい。 警察が容疑者を家まで追跡し、容疑者は家の裏に逃げ込み視界から消える。 警察官はパトカーのトランクを開きオモチャのような4つのプロペラとビデオカメラがついた飛行体を取り出し、飛行機を飛ばすと、アイパッドのようなモニターに容疑者の動きが映し出され、最終的に逮捕される。

AeroVironment calls its unmanned aircraft the Qube, and while it may look like something kids would look for under the Christmas tree, it's no toy.
アエロバーロメントは、その無人機を「キューブ」と呼んでいる。 それはクリスマス・プレゼントでツリーの下に置かれるオモチャのようにも見えるが、それはオモチャではない。

"The Qube is the first solution that AeroVironment has introduced specifically targeting what we identify as the public safety market, and that's really public safety professionals like law enforcement, search and rescue, and first responders," says company vice president Steve Gitlin.

Drones — or unmanned vehicles — have been a success with the military, and companies such as AeroVironment hope to make them an increasingly common sight in this country. Gitlin says the Qube costs just a bit more than a police patrol car, making it a much less expensive alternative to a manned helicopter.
ドローン(無人機)は軍において成果を上げているので、アエロバーロメント社のような会社は国内で普及させ、普通に見られる光景にしようと考えている。 ギトリン氏は、キューブはパトカーより少し高い位の価格だと言う。有人のヘリに比べたら遥かに安い値段だ。

In Mesa County, Colo., the sheriff's department is testing a drone called the Dragonfly X6. Ben Miller, unmanned systems coordinator for the sheriff's office, says it's been especially useful in search operations.
コロラドのメサ郡で、ドラゴンフライX6と呼ばれる無人機が警察で試用されている。 同警察署の無人システム調整官のベン・ミラーによると、それはとくに捜索活動に有効だという。

"We had a lost subject in a vegetated creek bed and we were given about a mile length of that creek to search," Miller says. "We completed that search in just a little over an hour with two staff members."
「植物が茂ったクリークで捜索する必要がある物があったが、捜索するクリークは1マイルもあった。 しかし、その捜索を二人のスタッフで、僅か1時間で終了することができたよ。」とミラー氏は言う。

Miller says a typical search using volunteers marching shoulder-to-shoulder would have taken hours. On top of that, he says there have been no bugs with the drones and they're easy to operate.

"At about 2 pounds, the safety risks to people on the ground are rather minimal," he says. "In fact it weighs less than your common Canadian goose."

While law enforcement is a big market for makers of unmanned aircraft systems — known as UAS's — there are many other potential civilian users.

Gretchen West is with the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, an industry trade group.

"Utility companies — so oil and gas — [are] using a UAS to do surveillance over a pipeline," she says, as are electrical companies wanting to watch over their electrical wires. West says drones can be used for crop-dusting and tracking livestock. They've already been used for flood mapping in North Dakota, and they could also be used for weather research.
「公共施設の会社、例えば石油やガスはパイプラインの監視にUASを使っている」と彼女は話す。 丁度電力会社が電線の監視を望んでいるのと同じだ。 ウェストは、無人機は、他にも農薬散布や家畜の上空からの把握にも使えると言う。 それらは末にノースダコタ州で洪水のマッピングにも使用され、気象のリサーチにも使うことが出来る。

But all those unmanned aircraft have some people a little wary. Privacy advocate Harley Geiger of the Center for Democracy and Technology says drones are basically flying video cameras.
しかし、これらの無人機について、懸念を抱かれている向きもある。 民主主義とテクノロジーセンターのプライバシー擁護論者のハーレイ・ガイガー氏は、無人機は空飛ぶビデオカメラだと指摘している。

"Drones can easily be equipped with facial recognition cameras, infrared cameras or open Wi-Fi sniffers," Geiger says. "So when people think about drones they shouldn't just think that a telephoto lens is the only feature that can raise a privacy issue."
「無人機は容易に顔識別カメラ、赤外線カメラ、それにWi‐Fi探知器等を搭載できる。 だから無人機を考えるとき、我々は、今までのように望遠レンズだけがプライバシー問題を引き起こす代物と考えるべきではない。」とガイガー氏は語る。

Nor, says Geiger, is it only law enforcement that could be watching: "The paparazzi, your homeowners' association, your neighbor, a journalist can all sic drones on you as well."

Geiger says people should watch the Federal Aviation Administration, which is currently working on rules to establish standards such as how high drones can fly and what kind of training operators need. He hopes the agency will also address privacy concerns in the proposed regulations that could be released next month.
ガイガー氏は、現在、無人機の飛行高度や操縦士の訓練など関連法規の整備を行っている連邦航空局は、その規定の中にプライバシー関連規定を入れるように期待している。 その法規は来月発表される予定である。

