

New York Times, DEC 6news

2019年12月07日 | 英語練習
New York Times記事

N.Y.P.D. Targeted Blacks and Hispanics in the Subways,
Officers Say
Multiple officers in Brooklyn say they were told by a commander
that white and Asian people were “soft targets”
and should be left alone.

need a further checkup(精密検査)
The imperial household agency.
get rid of things.
out of Gus
that way any way.
You will let go.
I have a thing for history.
Who sent you ?
Here's truth.This is it.
What was name again.
A is investing in this area.(投資)


"Yesterday actions"
 Nothing special

I am inspired by the Chinese.
I will write a blog for my own study every day in English.
I think that there are many uncorrected sentences and mistakes.
Please forgive me.

I think that there is an unknown point in the description
because of my lack of knowledge.
For details, please check the source article, program and image.
Source: The New York Times.

Image citation from the New York Times article

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