


2018年02月17日 | 英会話
 昨日の午前中、英会話レッスンを受講しました。海外ドラマ「刑事モース~オックスフォード事件簿」(原題:"Endeavour")を話題にしての会話と「Where's the mall?」(Lesson19)で私がどんな場所にでかけるか勉強しました。楽しくレッスンできました。

 Jackie 先生から、早速メセッージをいただきました。

 Good day! Mr. Seiki. I checked the British drama series that you told me on Youtube. The title is "Endeavour". The life of Inspector Morse. I think it's a good drama series. Next class, I want you to tell me what is the story all about. It's so sad to hear the influenza outbreak in your place. I had a student yesterday. He didn't go to school because he had the flu. In today's lesson, we talked about the different places that people often go. Later, my friends and I will go to a Japanese restaurant to eat matcha ice cream. I am glad because your comprehension skill is progressing. Keep watching English TV programs. All the best. Take care! :)

 Detective Morse ~Oxford charge sheet~ 
 Case1:On the day which cleared up

 An excellent observing eye and genius-like excellent solution of the riddle of detective Morse who flashes and is young develop! Authentic mystery best. The 15-year-old girl who disappeared. A clue of investigation is in the crossword puzzle!
 A 15-year-old girl disappears in Oxford. Morse who has come to the kauri police station for support begins to investigate as assistant police inspector's assistance on Thursday. Since making it the age, a girl had an expensive collection of poems, and several crossword puzzles were caught. Morse thinks there is a clue to solve a puzzle of a disappearance in a written response in that place, but others laughs off. But girl's corpse is found at the place Morse infered!

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