うまものがたり(Horse Stories et al)



2017-11-08 11:59:19 | 

青葉区の芸術祭にお花をだすことが今月の主な出来事です。活けこみ 受付け 揚げ花など何かと用事があります。

 The leaves have started to turn red and yellow and they are so beautiful. The Sun shines mild and snug and the wind is sometimes chilly. This is my favorite season. So does Charle.
In November there are so many plans I have to accomplish.
As you know I can't spare the time with my horse. But this month I have to skip the little time spending with him.
Main event is the flower arrangement exhibition (Nov15-17). Preparation and arrangement will take a lot of time.
For 3 days we will have an exhibit and during that time we have to take turn to sit at the reception desk in the entrance. This is an art festival for Aoba-ward. So other art such as photography, calligraphy carving are displayed as well. Many people will come and see this event.
On top of that I will go horse back riding with my husband at Yamanaka-lake overnight. We can enjoy riding and going through the mountain enjoying the autumnal scenery.
Having monthly medical check up and meeting friends are also planned.
I wish I could do everything safely while having a wonderful time.

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