今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 6月 13日

2023-06-14 | Weblog


The ratio of male to female today was 4-6. We are getting new members who are middle-aged as well as high school students. Although most of our members do it for exciercise, a high school student who came to the gym told us that she had been abroad on a school-sponsored study-abroad program. MOB welcomes junior high and high school students who are interested in languages. We hope that they will be stimulated by talking about languages and foreign cultures.

It is bringing you a live performance directly from FM Radio Hawaii. The music is mainly from the 80's and 90's. It was very nostalgic and took me back to my college days. Peter told me that a friend of mine is a DJ. He was in charge of music at the gym, and I remember he used to provide us with groovy tunes. The radio show is live and is broadcast in English. It is a good way to learn English.


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