The Butterfly's Sisters:The Geisha in Western Culture/ Review『八月十五夜の茶屋』は登場!
この長い書評は読ませる。カワグチさんの本は表象としての芸者論でポップ音楽(マドンナ)まで論じている。よく知っているM.BUTTERFLYまでカバ...But I like sisterhood. Sometimes, I'm comfortable with girls. Girls talk is tender and not so aggressive.
I was with girls today and enjoyed talking with them.
One Ryukyu-dance master divorced when she was on her 30s. Her husband was very jealous that he couldn't accept her ambition to be a wonderful Ryukyu dancer.
She gave birth to three children; however, leaving two boys to her husband, she took care of her daughter.
Since then, she's been alone and pursued her profession as a Ryukyu dance master.
One thing I sympathized with her is that her ex-husband was a verbal abuser.
Not only physical abuse, but verbal one is terrible. Patriarchy still is a dominant system. Girls, women, and children have been under control of MEN.
I wonder when this system would be reformed.
I suppose, more or less, many women have been threatened by men, either physically or mentally.
However, it'll be true that either sex is happier if they truly love and trust each other.
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