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2016年09月25日 03時58分31秒 | Weblog
A literary guide to hating Barack Obama
Inside the right-wing anti-Obama books, from 2008 to 2016

By Carlos Lozada August 25

In “The Obama Nation,” published in August 2008, Jerome Corsi paints Obama as a racial and religious opportunist, a compulsive liar, too beyond the mainstream to become president. The best-selling book, one of the earliest tomes in the Obama hatred literature, is a conspiratorial jumble. Corsi questions Obama’s commitment to Christianity, for instance, yet constantly links him to a radical black liberationist version of Christianity, all the while suggesting that Obama is secretly sympathetic to Islam. He speculates that Obama has hidden the Islamic education he received during his childhood in Indonesia — “again, we simply don’t know,” Corsi writes — and suggests that, thanks to his Kenyan-born father, Obama “could claim to be a citizen of Kenya, as well as of the United States.” (In 2011, Corsi would go on to publish “Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case That Obama Is Not Eligible to Be President,” though, unfortunately for his sales, the book became available shortly after Obama made his birth certificate public.)

Corsi is a fan of guilt by rhetorical question. “If Obama takes pains to hide his smoking from us, what else does he take pains to hide?” The contradictions in this book are not hard to find, as they sometimes appear in consecutive sentences. “Obama, we argue here, is and always has been a radical on the far left,” Corsi writes. “He is at heart a coldly calculating politician, driven more by winning at all costs than by the lofty principles he espouses.” So what is he: a radical ideologue or a shameless pol? Yes. Both. Whichever one scares you most.

D’Souza believes that Obama is at heart an “anti-colonialist,” mixing socialist economics with an anti-imperialist foreign policy, supposedly inspired by the beliefs of his Kenyan father, passed on to him by his American mother. Imbued with a certain “low cunning,” Obama has sought to redistribute global wealth away from the United States and scale back American military and financial influence around the planet, D’Souza writes, “so that America can no longer impose its will as a neocolonial superpower.”

If you accept that Obama is corrupt and determined to undermine America, it’s a short step to Ben Shapiro’s “The People vs. Barack Obama” (2014). Shapiro, a lawyer, radio host and editor of the conservative site the Daily Wire, lays out in vivid prose his case that the Obama administration has become “a full-fledged criminal enterprise.” IRS abuses against conservative groups, the Benghazi attack, the targeting of reporters, selective prosecution of undocumented immigrants — that’s just the start. Shapiro details multiple laws the president and his underlings have supposedly violated and calls for prosecution under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.

The left takes for granted that much of the opposition to Obama indicates latent racism, a visceral resentment at seeing a black family in the White House. That is a serious charge, so it is no surprise that these authors sometimes protest that their views have nothing to do with the color of the president’s skin.

D’Souza states simply that Obama gets a pass because he’s black. “Obama has also injected fear on the right, and inspired giddy enthusiasm on the left, by playing the ‘race card’ in a way never previously done in American politics,” he argues.







