Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Elementary School Rules in Japan

2017年11月17日 22時26分04秒 | Weblog

1 朝のあいさつはしたな。

2 そもそも、いまのようなゲームはなかったな。

3 お菓子をもっていこう、という発想がそもそもなかったな。

4 寝ちゃ駄目、というより、小学校の授業で眠たい、という児童はいなかったな。

5 授業中しゃべるのはダメだが、みんなしゃべってたな。

6 シャーペン、ボールペンは普通にOKAYだったな。

7 アクセサリーをしていく、という発想をもった子供がいなかったな、小学校では・・・

8 髪の毛を染める、という発想をする子供もいなかったな、小学校では。

9 携帯スマホはなかったな。

10 黒板の落書きは別に禁止もされていなかったような



2017年11月17日 19時04分40秒 | Weblog
ian bremmer‏認証済みアカウント

フォローする @ianbremmerをフォローします
The most Japanese headline you’ll see today.



2017年11月17日 18時54分08秒 | Weblog

It turns out that women penalize highly successful women just as much as men do, but for seemingly different reasons.The researchers had male and female participants rate a newly appointed female vice president, described in a personnel file, on measures of hostility, antisocial traits, and overall likability. Both male and female participants were prone to punish her, socially, by inferring norm violations—for example, manipulativeness, coldness, aggression—unless given specific information about her feminine virtues and good behavior. In which case, the “social punishment” effect was blocked for male and female participants. However, crucially, only the female participants then had more negative self-evaluations. This supported the researchers’ hypothesis that penalizing successful women serves an ego-protective function (only) for other women. It defuses the threatening sense that a similar—and similarly good, decent, and/ or “real” woman—is more competent or accomplished than they are. And, tellingly, it appears that this is linked to a lack of self-belief that can be assuaged by positive feedback.

In the first experiment, the researchers blocked women’s punishment of other women by describing the subject as having feminine-coded, prosocial tendencies. In the second experiment in the same research paper, they achieved a similar magnitude of the same effect by priming participants (all of whom were women) in the experimental condition with positive feedback about their own exceptional business acumen. They were no longer motivated to penalize the female high achiever.

Whatever the case, it seems plausible that white women had additional psychological and social incentives to support Trump and forgive him his misogyny (among other things). Such incentives are due to the fact that (1) on average, white women are considerably likelier than their nonwhite counterparts to be partnered with a Trump supporter, and (2) again, on average, relatedly in some cases, white women would generally have greater incentives, and hence corresponding dispositions, to try to get or stay on the good side of powerful white men of Trump’s genre.

Whatever the case, it seems plausible that white women had additional psychological and social incentives to support Trump and forgive him his misogyny (among other things). Such incentives are due to the fact that (1) on average, white women are considerably likelier than their nonwhite counterparts to be partnered with a Trump supporter, and (2) again, on average, relatedly in some cases, white women would generally have greater incentives, and hence corresponding dispositions, to try to get or stay on the good side of powerful white men of Trump’s genre.

The point can be extended. As white women, we are habitually loyal to powerful white men in our vicinity (e.g., those who outrank us in our workplaces, communities, and other social institutions, including the academy).

This suggests it’s not just a matter of gendered double standards, then; gender biases in politics encompass this “split” in social perception.

The evidence I refer to here comes from a recent study in social psychology, and it is still early days for this hypothesis. It is nonetheless so explanatory of otherwise bewildering impasses as to be worth canvassing with this caveat. Participants in the study read anecdotes about parents who left their young children home alone, for a variety of reasons. The participants were then asked to assess the degree of risk or danger to which the children had been exposed. The parents who left to play Pokemon Go were judged to have put their children at greater risk than those who left them to go to work. And crucially, for my purposes, the woman’s behavior was judged riskier than the man’s, all else being equal (i.e., holding fixed the reasons why they left, for how long, the children’s age, etc.) (Thomas, Stanford, and Sarnecka 2016).

Now consider prejudice against women in certain social positions—those aspiring to masculine-coded power positions, as in politics. Part of what this may involve is moral prejudgment in line with widely disavowed, but not yet defunct, gendered social mores. Someone like Hillary Clinton is frequently cast in the moral role of usurper. And unsurprisingly so (which is of course not to say justifiably); she threatens to take men’s historical place or steal their thunder. If she wins, the game is rigged. She could not have won it fairly. And her behavior and she herself seems to be careless, shady, and crooked (so the thought continues).

Women in positions of unprecedented political power, or right on its cusp, are also prone to be perceived as rule-breakers generally. They are not to be trusted to stay in line, or respect law and order. These perceptions are understandable, because they’re not baseless so much as defunct: these women are breaking the rules of an unjust patriarchal system that is still in the process of being dismantled

When men engage in these actions, it is unremarkable, and hence tends to go unremarked on. But when a woman encroaching on men’s turf does the same thing, her actions—and she—may seem deceptive or negligent.

When it came to Bernie Sanders’s controversial remarks about Clinton’s being unqualified he ascribed to her “bad judgment,” in reference to her voting for the war in Iraq. And Trump echoed the phrase repeatedly in subsequently debating Clinton. Donald Trump’s vice president, Mike Pence, also voted for the war in Iraq. But according to Trump, Pence was entitled to make such mistakes “every once in a while.” “She’s not?” CBS’s Lesley Stahl asked Trump, of Clinton. “No. She’s not,” was Trump’s full answer. “Got it,” Stahl blinked, and proceeded with the interview.



○ 自分と似たような女性が成功するのは許せない。とくに自己評価が低い女性がそうした意見を持ちやすい。

○ 女性でも、自分の近くの権力者=白人男性に媚びる傾向がある。

○ 女性は男性よりも世間から厳しい評価をうけ、同じことをしても男は何もいわれないが、女だと非難されることがままあるーー従来男性がやっていた地位につこうする女性は男性支配的秩序を破る”無法者”と認識されるわけである。




2017年11月17日 17時57分35秒 | Weblog


 「えっ? どうして」







Every 16 hours a woman is shot and killed by a current or former partner

2017年11月17日 13時01分28秒 | Weblog
shame noun (BAD FEELING)

C1 [ U ] an uncomfortable feeling of guilt or of being ashamed because of your own or someone else's bad behaviour:
He said he felt no shame for what he had done.
The children hung/bowed their heads in shame.
The shame of the scandal was so great that he shot himself a few weeks later.
You can't go out dressed like that - have you no shame (= don't you feel ashamed about being dressed like that)?

[ U ] loss of honour and respect:
He thinks there's great shame in being out of work and unable to provide for his family.
In some societies, if a woman leaves her husband, it brings shame on her and her family.

shame (shām)
a. A painful emotion caused by the belief that one is, or is perceived by others to be, inferior or unworthy of affection or respect because of one's actions, thoughts, circumstances, or experiences: felt shame for having dropped out of school.
b. Respect for propriety or morality: Have you no shame?
a. A condition of disgrace or dishonor; ignominy: an act that brought shame on the whole family.
b. A regrettable or unfortunate situation: "It was a shame how the place had fallen apart, with tall scorched grass and sagging gutters" (Tom Drury).
c. One that brings dishonor, disgrace, or condemnation: "I would ... Forget the shames that you have stained me with" (Shakespeare).

Definition of shame

1 a :a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt, shortcoming, or impropriety
b :the susceptibility to such emotion have you no shame?
2 :a condition of humiliating disgrace or disrepute :ignominy the shame of being arrested
3 a :something that brings censure or reproach; also :something to be regretted :pity it's a shame you can't go
b :a cause of feeling shame

How Shame Becomes a Lethal Weapon for Mass Killers
Why men kill is a challenging question.
By Sheana Ochoa / AlterNet November 15, 2017, 2:44 PM GMT

I wish I could say Devin Kelley is an anomaly, but neither his violence at home nor the mass murder he committed is rare. Every 16 hours a woman is shot and killed by a current or former partner. Meanwhile, on average, there is nearly one mass shooting a day in the United States. These events are not anomalies; they happen every day.

Over the past decade, the FBI has been studying what makes people commit mass murder. The agency came up with such theories as the copycat effect (exacerbated by social media), violent video games and mental illness. What wasn't addressed was the growing research indicating exactly how violence is rooted in the traditional male identity, where male shaming turns into rage. This is not to say women are not violent; only that 98 percent of the time, mass shooters are male.

The traditional markers of masculinity require men to be virile and dominant over women. By holding on to such definitions of self, the male identity is prone to crumble when a man is rejected by the opposite sex. This is why sexual assault is about power, not sex. This is also why up to 75 percent of domestic femicide occurs when the woman is trying to leave her abuser. In order to preserve their sense of control and power, the men in these cases would rather kill a woman than allow her to leave.

Psychologist James Gilligan spent 35 years studying incarcerated murderers. He discovered that the common motivation these men had for committing murder was to preserve their traditional masculine roles. Gilligan identified how these men had felt disempowered and used murder to assert their sense of control. Some of the murderers said they killed for honor or recognition, or to settle a grievance, but it invariably boiled down to the need to “eliminate the feeling of shame... and replace it with its opposite, the feeling of pride.” Gilligan explains that shame caused violence in these men because at the root of shame is a desire to be loved and validated, but seeking love or care from others flies in the face of their socialized roles—their need to be self-reliant as opposed to being passive and dependent.

Brown defines shame as the “intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love and belonging.




There is little pressure on free press from the government

2017年11月17日 10時07分22秒 | Weblog



(press freedom)


2017年11月17日 09時37分06秒 | Weblog
2017.11.16 22:59|カテゴリ:政治経済| コメント(37)






2017年11月17日 09時34分31秒 | Weblog
野党の質問時間削減 大政翼賛会への道、歩むのか


 では、野党の質問時間を削ることは何を意味するのか? 田中さんがまとめた。




2017年11月17日 08時56分00秒 | Weblog





 前回10月19日の本コラムで書いたように、韓国政府は北朝鮮の核・ミサイル開発費用は 「昨年200億円以上」と推計していることを日本外務省に伝えている。




