Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2014年05月07日 15時53分00秒 | Weblog

The view from Moscow: What's the US endgame in Ukraine?
Imagine for a moment Putin and his aides are sitting around, trying to figure out what the West is doing in Ukraine.
Last updated: 06 May 2014 11:47
Alexander Nekrassov
Alexander Nekrassov

But when it comes to the bigger perspective, the endgame, Putin and his people suspect that the US plans to use the crisis in Ukraine to drive a wedge between Europe and Russia, with the aim to take over the European markets under a trading pact with the EU. The Kremlin believes that the crisis in Ukraine has a much bigger dimension and involves a US desire to redraw the economic map of Europe, to start sorting out its enormous debts that are spiralling out of control.

In order for it to start cutting down the debt, the US needs a vast market for its goods and services and the EU is currently the biggest one of them all. So the US endgame, as Moscow sees it, is to run Europe while freezing out Russia. And the response that Moscow sees to that? Do what the Yanks are doing: Drive Europe and the US apart.

Moscow has been quite good at it up to now. And that's what the new "cold war" is all about really. Russia battling with the US over Europe. And in this fight, regrettably, Ukraine is coming out as the biggest loser.



警官におっぱいつかまれて7年の刑 ・ 不倫して集団強姦されて鞭打ちの刑 

2014年05月07日 15時01分47秒 | Weblog

The Guardian / By Molly Knefel comments_image 30 COMMENTS
Why Occupy Protester Cecily McMillan's Guilty Verdict is a Travesty
She might serve 7 years after cop grabbed her breast. The cop?

May 6, 2014 |
The verdict in the biggest Occupy related criminal case in New York City, that of Cecily McMillan, came down Monday afternoon. As disturbing as it is that she was found guilty of felony assault against Officer Grantley Bovell, the circumstances of her trial reflect an even more disturbing reality – that of normalized police violence, disproportionately punitive sentences (McMillan faces seven years in prison), and a criminal penal system based on anything but justice. While this is nothing new for the over-policed communities of New York City, what happened to McMillan reveals just how powerful and unrestrained a massive police force can be in fighting back against the very people with whom it is charged to protect.

When the police moved in to the park that night, in formation and with batons, to arrest a massive number of nonviolent protesters, the chaos was terrifying. Bovell claimed that McMillan elbowed him in the face as he attempted to arrest her, and McMillan and her defense team claim that Bovell grabbed her right breast from behind, causing her to instinctively react.


Gang-rape victim in Indonesia faces caning for violating Sharia law
By Agence France-Presse
Tuesday, May 6, 2014 11:29 EDT

既婚男性との不倫が発覚して集団強姦の被害にあったが、不倫は許されないとして、イスラム法に従って、鞭打ちの刑にあう女性ーーー インドネシア。


2014年05月07日 13時33分30秒 | Weblog
Paris tourist taken for a €400 ride by fake cabbie
Published: 05 May 2014 11:45 GMT+02:00
Updated: 05 May 2014 11:45 GMT+02:00




2014年05月07日 13時13分14秒 | Weblog

Librarian53 • 9 days ago
Seems kind of mean spirited, even if it is a tradition.





2014年05月07日 12時54分19秒 | Weblog

The best country to be a mother is... Finland tops the list - but high-risk pregnancies and natural disasters see U.S. drop to 31st spot
The U.S. ranked number 31 on Save the Children's 15th annual State of the World's Mothers Report, down from its place in the top ten in 2000

Singapore best place in Asia to be a mother

シンガポール 15位
韓国     30位
米国     31位
日本     32位

The report looked at health, educational and economic factors in 178 nations to determine which are the safest and happiest places for mothers to live in.



2014年05月07日 12時30分57秒 | Weblog
Conservative Myths About the Minimum Wage, Debunked
Contrary to conservative myths, raising the minimum wage would boost the economy, benefit all workers, and won't hurt consumers.

“It’s a monstrous job-killer”

We also have real-world experience with higher minimums. In 1998, the citizens of Washington State voted to raise theirs and then link future increases to the rate of inflation. Today, at $9.32, the Evergreen State has the highest minimum wage in the country – not far from the $10.10 per hour proposed by Barack Obama. At the time it was passed, opponents promised it would kill jobs and ultimately hurt the workers it was designed to help.

But it didn’t turn out that way. This week, Bloomberg’s Victoria Stilwell, Peter Robison and William Selway reported: “In the 15 years that followed… job growth continued at an average 0.8 percent annual pace, 0.3 percentage point above the national rate. Payrolls at Washington’s restaurants and bars, portrayed as particularly vulnerable to higher wage costs, expanded by 21 percent. Poverty has trailed the U.S. level for at least seven years.”

“It will hurt mom-and-pop businesses”

small business owners support a hike to $10.10 per hour by a 57-43 margin. Eighty-two percent of those surveyed say they already pay their employees more than the minimum and 52 percent agreed that if the wage floor is raised, “people will have a higher percentage of their income to spend on goods and services” and small businesses “will be able to grow and hire new workers.”

“Major costs will be passed along to consumers”

raising the minimum wage to $12 per hour – two bucks more than what’s currently on the table – would increase the cost of an average shopping trip to Wal-Mart by just 46 cents – or around $12 per year. And another paper published last September by economists Jeannette Wicks Lim and Robert Pollin estimated that a hike to $10.50 an hour would likely result in the price of a Big Mac increasing by only a dime, from $4.50 to $4.60, on average.

If the minimum wage had kept pace with inflation since its inception in 1968, it would now stand at $10.74 per hour. With the share of our nation’s output going to workers’ wages at an all-time low ― and inequality on the rise ― it’s easy to understand why the idea of raising it to $10.10 is so popular. And despite opponents’ dire warnings, there’s really no good reason that we shouldn’t do so.


最低賃金の引き上げは - 一橋大学経済学研究科






2014年05月07日 10時43分00秒 | Weblog

クラブ元経営者に無罪判決 ダンス「性風俗乱さない」

NOON裁判 無罪判決全文




Japan has a lot of dumb laws that are really just used for convenience and not generally enforced, and this is one of them.


 存在はするが、執行されていないstupid lawsarchaic lawsというのはしかし、どこの国もあるものだ。 新聞を読んでいれば英語圏でも、ときどき記事にもなっている。




2014年05月07日 10時06分54秒 | Weblog
時事通信 5月6日(火)2時31分配信



US death row study: 4% of defendants sentenced to die are innocent
Deliberately conservative figure lays bare extent of possible miscarriages of justice suggesting that the innocence of more than 200 prisoners still in the system may never be recognised

Share 4477

Ed Pilkington in New York

theguardian.com, Monday 28 April 2014 20.50 BST
Jump to comments (202)


政府用語 deeply concerned の意味

2014年05月07日 07時02分49秒 | Weblog

The State Department Is 'Deeply Concerned'
May 01, 201411:11 AM ET

世界中の出来事について deeply concerned 深い懸念を表明しているわけであるが、

Each time Secretary of State John Kerry or a department spokesperson speaks of being "deeply concerned," Kori says, "It's more than a passing concern, but not 'gravely concerned.' "

Detailing the many usages of the words last month, she says, actually shows "how much the State Department believes its work is communicating bilaterally with countries ― since to utilize the phrasing so often about so many issues on which we are doing little suggests they expect no cross-checking."

それは憂慮a passing concern 以上、重大な懸念gravely concerned 以下、特に何もしない、程度の懸念なんだ、そうである。


2014年05月07日 06時55分27秒 | Weblog

Britain and US join hunt for 200 schoolgirls kidnapped in Nigeria as a further eight girls are taken overnight by terror group
British Foreign Secretary confirms Britain will help in the search for the girls
United States have also called in FBI agents to assist in finding them
A further eight girls also taken from village by gunmen overnight
Happened near a Boko Haram stronghold in north east Nigeria
Comes as video was released of Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau
In it he threatens to sell the girls on the market
Around 270 girls were kidnapped from a school in Chibok last month
PUBLISHED: 12:21 GMT, 6 May 2014 | UPDATED: 13:48 GMT, 6 May 2014




アフガンへ緊急援助物資 政府、地滑り被害で
2014/5/4 21:50





2014年05月07日 06時21分57秒 | Weblog

2014年5月7日6時0分 スポーツ報知

Lewinsky says she is sorry for causing America to feel such pain and Bill Clinton to feel such joy :

“I, myself, deeply regret what happened between me and President Clinton. Let me say it again: I. Myself. Deeply. Regret. What. Happened.”

