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2014年05月07日 15時53分00秒 | Weblog

The view from Moscow: What's the US endgame in Ukraine?
Imagine for a moment Putin and his aides are sitting around, trying to figure out what the West is doing in Ukraine.
Last updated: 06 May 2014 11:47
Alexander Nekrassov
Alexander Nekrassov

But when it comes to the bigger perspective, the endgame, Putin and his people suspect that the US plans to use the crisis in Ukraine to drive a wedge between Europe and Russia, with the aim to take over the European markets under a trading pact with the EU. The Kremlin believes that the crisis in Ukraine has a much bigger dimension and involves a US desire to redraw the economic map of Europe, to start sorting out its enormous debts that are spiralling out of control.

In order for it to start cutting down the debt, the US needs a vast market for its goods and services and the EU is currently the biggest one of them all. So the US endgame, as Moscow sees it, is to run Europe while freezing out Russia. And the response that Moscow sees to that? Do what the Yanks are doing: Drive Europe and the US apart.

Moscow has been quite good at it up to now. And that's what the new "cold war" is all about really. Russia battling with the US over Europe. And in this fight, regrettably, Ukraine is coming out as the biggest loser.




