Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

警官におっぱいつかまれて7年の刑 ・ 不倫して集団強姦されて鞭打ちの刑 

2014年05月07日 15時01分47秒 | Weblog

The Guardian / By Molly Knefel comments_image 30 COMMENTS
Why Occupy Protester Cecily McMillan's Guilty Verdict is a Travesty
She might serve 7 years after cop grabbed her breast. The cop?

May 6, 2014 |
The verdict in the biggest Occupy related criminal case in New York City, that of Cecily McMillan, came down Monday afternoon. As disturbing as it is that she was found guilty of felony assault against Officer Grantley Bovell, the circumstances of her trial reflect an even more disturbing reality – that of normalized police violence, disproportionately punitive sentences (McMillan faces seven years in prison), and a criminal penal system based on anything but justice. While this is nothing new for the over-policed communities of New York City, what happened to McMillan reveals just how powerful and unrestrained a massive police force can be in fighting back against the very people with whom it is charged to protect.

When the police moved in to the park that night, in formation and with batons, to arrest a massive number of nonviolent protesters, the chaos was terrifying. Bovell claimed that McMillan elbowed him in the face as he attempted to arrest her, and McMillan and her defense team claim that Bovell grabbed her right breast from behind, causing her to instinctively react.


Gang-rape victim in Indonesia faces caning for violating Sharia law
By Agence France-Presse
Tuesday, May 6, 2014 11:29 EDT

既婚男性との不倫が発覚して集団強姦の被害にあったが、不倫は許されないとして、イスラム法に従って、鞭打ちの刑にあう女性ーーー インドネシア。


