Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

サボイ氏の事件 noriko vs Chris

2009年10月07日 11時17分23秒 | Weblog
Sympathizing with Noriko Savoie
October 6th, 2009 by Curzon



Nokiro a good tenant
There was a slight language barrier, but Nokiro was friendly, said Daniel Gardner, who rented the Franklin Greens house to Nokiro.

"I rented the house to Christopher and Nokiro," he said. "She wanted the marriage to work, but he left . She was in the house for a year and two months. The best tenant I ever had.リンク


(pg 121)
THE COURT: And she clearly understood that when she was coming to the United States, she wasn’t coming here to reconcile . And it was clear she came here knowing that her husband was involved with another woman, and she came here knowing that he wanted a divorce


(pg 122)

THE COURT: Now that does not mean emotionally she was accepting of that;that does not mean she came here and her head telling one thing and her heart telling something else.that does not mean that when he remarried in Feburuary 2009 that didn't drive her to finality of the divorce and the finality of the termination of the relationship. Just because parties got a divorce in December 2008 , that does not mean that that ends the emotional attachment between the two of them.
In terms of Dr Savoie, his emotional attachment ended long time ago, in terms of Ms Savoie I am not sure her's ended even as she sit here today





[Amy] grew up on Indian Trail in Saunderstown and attended Narragansett High School. She also waitressed at her mother’s pizza place, Jeana’s Pizza in Wakefield. “I met Christopher because he worked at Donnelly’s, a men’s clothing store down the hill from my mother’s restaurant. He came up the hill to have lunch at the pizza place just a few times.”

Both Chris and Amy were biology students at the University of Rhode Island and both worked at an immunology lab at Brown University, though at different times. In fact, she replaced him in the post when he left for graduate school in Japan.



Nigelboy Says:
October 7th, 2009 at 3:49 am
Another “set of events” that tends to get overlooked is the fact that once Noriko and the kids returned to Tennessee, the kids were taken by Chris, Amy and her kids on a vacation up North. The day after(?) they returned, Noriko and her kids left for Japan.


 そして、 のりこさんとの離婚成立後、翌月にAmy女史と挙式をあげていることにも注目したい。


彼は、今回の来日前に、インタビューを受けている。WEB EXTRA: Savoie Discovers Kids In Japan


[2009/10/04 09:06 【共同通信】

Early Monday, Savoie apparently picked them up as they walked to school, according to friend and witness Shannon Higgins.


Amy told The Journal that she now considers getting the children back almost a lost cause.

“Once an ex-spouse chooses to abduct the children, it is pretty much beyond hope,” she wrote. “[The Japanese spouse] has made a decision that your love is unnecessary to the children. The problem is that they make this unilateral decision without regard to the children’s feeling of abandonment … ‘Where is my daddy? I thought he loved me?’ ”リンク

 子供の件はほぼ諦めたというが、しかし、子供の居場所が見つかったのだから、本来、裁判で、例えば面接権などを争うこともできる筈である。あきらめがはやいのではないか? うがった見方をすれば、彼女はもともと他人の女がはらんだ子供などほしくなかたったのではないか?

 また、数人の友人に計画は打ち明けていたとして、Amy女史にはなにも言っていなかったのだろうか?、たしか、逮捕直前に電話があった筈だ。(どこかでみたような気がするが忘れた・・・誰か見覚えがあったらリンクを教えて下さい。m(_ _)m)


