
詩と散文のプロムナード :Promenade


2024年06月10日 09時40分37秒 | H.SOMMER-夏里氏の生成AI-活用術より


*In the realm of poetry, themes of love, passion, and social contrasts have always been a rich source of inspiration. They speak to the universal human experience, trans-cending time and culture.  --- Love, in its many forms, has been celebrated for its ability to elevate the human spirit. --- Passion, with its intense emotions, often serves as the driving force behind powerful and evocative verses.

Social contrasts, on the other hand, provide a canvas for poets to reflect on the complexities of society and the human condition.--->>> 以下、詩4篇---脚韻の美しさと快さ、詩の味わい---

*Here's a poem that touches on these themes:     ⑴-->>>

In the quiet of night, under a silvery moon,
Two hearts entwine, a clandestine tune.
One from the stars, the other from the street,
Their worlds collide, where shadows meet.---

With a whisper of silk, and a rustle of lace,
Passion ignites in their secret embrace.
A moment stolen from the hands of time,
A fleeting touch, a memory sublime.---

Yet, dawn's light reveals the divide so wide,
Between a world adorned, and one cast aside.
A tale as old as the stars above,
A poignant dance of unyielding love. --->>


This verse captures the essence of a fleeting encounter between two souls from different walks of life.

It reflects on the intensity of a shared moment and the inevitable return to the reality of their disparate social standings.   ---Poetry like this allows us to ponder the depth of our emotions and the societal structures that shape our interactions.

Exploring these themes through poetry can be a profound experience, offering a window into the complexities of human relationships and the societal norms that often govern them. --- It's a reminder that, despite our differences, the fundamental emotions of love and passion are a common thread that connects us all.

Poetry serves as a testament to the enduring nature of these themes, as relevant today as they were in the times of Hofmannsthal.--->>


As the city awakens, the spell slowly breaks,
The lovers part ways, each a path they must take.
He to a world of gold and grandeur,
She to the shadows, her life much blander.--

Yet in their hearts, a fire still burns,
For the night they shared, each silently yearns.
A love unspoken, a bond unbroken,
In every fleeting glance, a token.---

Through crowded streets and gilded halls,
Their secret lingers on the walls.
A whisper of a love that dared to cross,
The lines that society has drawn across.---

So here they stand, worlds apart,
Bound by the passion that filled their heart.
A reminder that love knows no rank,
No barriers, no walls, no armored tank.---

For in the end, we're all the same,
Seeking warmth, a flicker, a flame.
And perhaps one day, in a world more kind,
Love will not be to status confined. --->>> ⑵---

    ***          * - 57-- 69- * /   * - 67-- 77--*

This continuation of the poem delves deeper into the aftermath of the lovers' encounter, exploring the emotional resonance of their brief connection and the societal boundaries that separate them.

It's a poetic reflection on the enduring power of love and the hope for a future where such boundaries can be transcended.

Poetry has the unique ability to capture these complex emotions and societal commentaries, inviting readers to reflect on their own experiences and beliefs.>>>

             ***---* ))  ⑶---      *34-- 37--*/

In the hush of twilight, when the world is still,
A solitary figure stands, against the chill.
Eyes gaze at the horizon, where dreams are cast,
Longing for the morrow, to heal the past.---

A heart echoes with the memories that cling,
To the soul's quiet yearning, a silent wing.
For the touch that lingers, the voice that calls,
In the quiet spaces, where the shadow falls.---⑶---

      ***     * (- 41-- 212 )*

This stanza speaks to the profound sense of longing that can occupy our hearts and minds.>>>


In the canvas of life, where dreams may fade,
Hope is the light that pierces the shade.
A gentle force, subtle yet strong,
Guiding us forward, when nights are long.---

It's the spark that ignites the darkest night,
A beacon of promise, of dawn's first light.
A whisper of courage, in the face of fear,
A belief that the path ahead is clear.--

Hope is the anchor, in the stormy sea,
The vision of what the world could be.
A tapestry woven with threads of grace,
In the heart's quiet corner, it finds its place.--

So let hope rise, like the morning sun,
A new chapter of life, has just begun.
With each step, let your spirit soar,
For with hope in your heart, you can achieve more.--⑷-


This stanza reflects on hope as an enduring and uplifting force that carries us through challenging times.

It's a reminder that no matter the obstacles, hope remains a constant source of strength and motivation, inspiring us to look towards a brighter future.        *52---63-  /


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