from Nikkei (June 23)

2012年07月02日 23時22分07秒 | 新聞記事から
イオンが不動産投信 店舗資産売却 3000億円調達 年内にも上場 国内外で出店加速

It is learned that AEON Company will establish a REIT(Real Estate Investment Fund), a kind of fund, which is the first case for a major retailer at home. Under the scheme, the REIT will be listed in the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange within the year. Under the scheme AEON will collect about 300 bilion yen by selling its real estates such as shopping center buildings to the REIT, with the final goal of money raised through such a method expected to be 1 trillion yen. Taking a full advantage of the money, AEON intends to get momentum in increasing its shopping centers both at home and overseas.
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from Nikkei(June 21)

2012年07月02日 21時49分16秒 | 新聞記事から
日産、生産能力15%減 神奈川の工場 1ライン停止 一部体移管 円高で国内体制見直し

According to the sources, Nissan Motor Company will likely reduce its domestic production capacity by 15%, by suspending one of its two assemby lines in Oihama plant in Yokosuka,Kanagawa Prefecture, with some of its reduced capacity transferred to Thailand.This is becuase the company is to change its domestic production system due to the too highly appreciated yen. Toyota has the same stretegy and then the development in the automobile industry is what draws people's concern.
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