from July 12 Nikkei

2011年07月15日 10時01分06秒 | 新聞記事から
省エネ住宅 10社連携 東芝やKDDI 電力制御へ通信規格 家電や電気自動車接続

According to sources concerned,ten Japanese companies,such as Toshiba Corporation,Panasonic Corporation,KDDI Corporation and Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, have initiated the business of realizing "Smart House," or the next-generation, energy-saving house with tie-ups among them confirmed.

According to tha plan,they will jointly develop by around 2014 a system where a household electric consumption for an air conditioner and a refrigerator is intensively controlled by equipment installed in an each house while solar power generation as well as electric automobile batteries are utilized in order to reduce electric consumption.

Standardization of all the quipment makes the devices from different makers compatible with each other. I means one controlling panel in a house intensively controlle all the devices even from different makers. The companies intend to popularize smart houses.
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from today's Nikkei

2011年07月15日 08時10分27秒 | 新聞記事から
「3年以内に海外移転」4割  円高懸念 電力対策、過半が要望  景気持ち直し「年内」72%

According to the data from a survey of 100 presidents in Japan, about 40% of the presidents answered that they will have to move their production facilities to overseas within the next 3 years if higher yen continues and decreasing corporate tax rate fails to be realized. There has spread a concern among people concerned that they could not maintain their domestic production scheme due to rolling power shortage problem. Straying in the energy policy as well as shelving political issues in domestic politics is spurring their concerns.

As to the economic recovery from the March 11 earthquake,72% replied domestic economy will recover within the year.
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