from today's Nikkei

2011年06月18日 17時10分18秒 | 新聞記事から
原発「安全対策が完了」 経済産業相きょう表明 再稼働理解求める 自治体は追加対策要望 実現に時間

The Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry confirmed Friday that short-term additional security measures for neclear power reactors the ministry issued to 11 domestic electric power companies had all been properly carried out. And today the minister Banri Kaieda will make an anouncement that building up provisional security measures at present has been finished with capability secured of preventing the disaster even if a serious accident happens. After the announcement the ministry is to ask related municipalities to allow an electric power company to resume the operation of the nuclear reactors now at recess. However, there are other requirements to electric power companies given by these municipalities. So it likely takes some time for full-fledged resumption.
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