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2024年08月31日 07時31分45秒 | その他
防衛費最大8兆5389億円の見込み  概算要求で、 「反撃能力」整備を狙う で、総額117兆円超となるだろう

As the government is now working to compile the fiscal 2025 general account budget, the draft requests from all the ministries have been given to the finance ministry by Friday. According to that, it is estimated that the total amounts of all those requests exceed 117 trillion yen with increased expenses, including the defense expenses which have first exceeded the 8 trillion threshold. That means it will exceed the fiscal 2024' one by 3 trillion yen breaking the record for 2 years in a row. And it also means that the total amounts will be over the 110 trillion level for 4 straight years. Looking those by ministry, the defense ministry's aim is, first of all, to enhance the so-called "counter-attack capabilities" of the country, and its request have come to be its biggest-ever 8,538.9 billion yen.
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2024年08月30日 07時41分12秒 | その他
パリ パラリンピック開幕 最多の167の国と地域から参加 8月28日
The 17th summer Paralympic games opened in Paris on Wednesday. This is the first time that the international sports events disabled athletes could participate in have come to be held in Paris which have hosted the Olympic games three times so far. As many as about 4,400 athletes from the largest ever 167 countries or areas have gathered in the glorious sports events which have the slogan of seeking to realize the society of coexistence.
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Today's topic

2024年08月29日 06時48分05秒 | その他
台風近づき、鹿児島に特別警報発令される 九州3県 113万世帯に避難指示が出された
As the typhoon No.10 is approaching the island of Kyushu, the Japan Meteorology Agency issued on Wednesday emergency warnings for violent winds, high waves, and high tides for Kagoshima, excluding the Amami region. There is a possibility the emergency warning for heavy rain would be issued for Kagoshima and Miyazaki, and the agency is calling for the highest caution, saying " This is one of the biggest ever typhoons." In the three prefectures of Kagoshima, Miyazaki and Kumamoto, the evacuation orders were issued to as many as about 2.25 million people from about 1.13 million households in total. As a result, more than 4.2 million people moved to evacuation centers or others.
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Recent News

2024年08月25日 10時56分28秒 | 新聞記事から
石破さん、自民党総裁選出馬表明 自民 複数候補者も週内に表明か
On Saturday, Shigeru Ishiba, 67, ex-Secretary General of the Liberal Democratic Part, officially announced his intention in his home ground Tottori to run for the race for the party's presidency, whose schedule will be announced on the 12th of September, and whose vote is to be held on the 27th of the month. His announcement is the second one in the party following that by Tkayuki Kobayashi, 49, former Economic Security Minister. As there are other members who are expected to express their candidacies for the race within this week, the policy debates or the movement to secure more supporters are going to be intensifying.
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2023年05月08日 08時40分27秒 | 翻訳・通訳
You should be honest facing things:

In order to solve business problems, people should be honest discussing them, with their true feelings exchanged between them, like " This way of yours is a problem, and should be changed to this one." But this kind of straightforward saying is refrained often, because they get worried that would give damage to their human relationship in the workplace. Then in many cases the discussion will remain on its surface.
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2023年03月15日 11時10分22秒 | 翻訳・通訳
A person who could take a chance:

A wonderful chance is hidden in a common situation. That is what only the person who has an intense sense of purpose could see.

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2023年03月15日 05時29分11秒 | 翻訳・通訳
Positive thinking/ Plus-direction thinking:

I'd like to explain about a true thought which makes your life and job rich and fruitful.

To be positive and constructive all the time.
To have a spirit of cooperativeness to work with others.
To have a bright thought.
To be affirmative.
To be filled with goodwill.
To be considerate and kind.
To be serious, honest, modest and try to make efforts for anything.
Not to be selfish and greedy.
To be satisfied with what you have.
To have a mind of gratitude.

I hope young people who should burden the future will have a wonderful life through working as hard as possible with that thought.

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2023年03月14日 06時40分41秒 | 翻訳・通訳
An eloquent person:

An eloquent person has a tendency that they would play in words. In order to be understood by your party, it is important to share your feeling with the party. You should talk with each other in a sincere way devoting all yourself into that conversation without using any technique. Only sincerity will connect a speaker to a listener.

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2023年03月13日 00時43分37秒 | 翻訳・通訳
A hidden defect of a clever person:

I don't make much of a clever person because that type of person has a tendency that he often neglects today's things.

A clever person could see the future because of his talent. So he dislikes a steady walk of today, or turtle's slow pace and wants to take the shortest way like a rabbit. But this type of man is usually in haste for getting a result, often tumbles at an unexpected place.

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2023年03月13日 00時17分13秒 | 翻訳・通訳
To design optimistically, plan pessimistically, and practice optimistically:

In order to achieve a new thing, it is important to set your goal optimistically having with your dream and hope in your mind, like "I want to be like this."

But in the stage of planning, you should review your design pessimistically, and think of all the possible issues closely. And in the stage of practice, you should implement things optimistically with confidence of "you can surely do things."

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2023年03月13日 00時10分07秒 | 翻訳・通訳
The reason why I haven't made a long-term planning:

I have never made a long-term planning. I have thought I could not see things a decade ahead. I have been in the situation that I cannot handle things at present, and could not read things tomorrow.

So I tried to make efforts as much as possible today, and thought tomorrow would be seen if I worked today as hard as possible searching for some good idea. The continuation of such a day, for a long time to 5 years or to 10 years, would reach a big result, I think.

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2023年03月13日 00時01分30秒 | 翻訳・通訳
A great Good looks merciless:

On the contrary, the boss who takes care of their subordinates with their confidence seems uncomfortable, but in the long run, will get their subordinates to make a big advancement.

A real love lies in your severe judgement what kind of thing would be good for your party.

" A Great Good looks merciless." The behavior which seems too stern is sometimes a love stick which is needed for nurturing good human resources. It is a Great Good that looks merciless.

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2023年03月12日 05時08分40秒 | 翻訳・通訳
A Great Good looks merciless:

A human relationship is based on facing people with affection. But it should not be blind love or loving somebody too passionately.
In terms of the relationship between the boss and the subordinate too, the boss who easily goes along with their subordinates without their opinion looks affectionate,but will lead their subordinates to being useless. This is called a Small Good. Like the saying of " A Small Good looks like a Great Evil," Superficial love makes your partner unhappy.

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2023年03月08日 07時01分55秒 | 翻訳・通訳
Mind calls mind:

There is indeed nothing more fragile, more changeable, and more unreliable than human mind. But I think there is nothing more solid and more important than this in the world at the same time. Going back in history, there have been a lot of great achievements created by the bondage of human minds. On the contrary, there have been a lot of examples that human groups were collapsed caused by human mind deterioration. We should remember mind calls mind.

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2023年03月07日 06時14分07秒 | 翻訳・通訳
A business management based on humans' minds:

I have run my business based on humans' minds. In other words, I have done the job focusing on the issue how I could realize solid, reliable bondage of people's minds in my company. A business operator himself has to have a wonderful mind around which those with a wonderful mind would gather in order to establish a human-mind-based relationship, like you have to love others to be loved by them.

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