Happyヨーロッパ移住|The Lancaster MBA


イギリスMBA|Mindful Group Crystallisations - The Lancaster MBA

2012-05-08 | Lancaster MBA 2011 / 2012

ランカスターMBAではプログラムの中にマインドフル・マネジャーという唯一通年の科目があります。その一環として指定された2部のアカデミック・ジャーナルを読んでグループでのクリスタリゼーション(日本語に上手く訳せませんが「要約」)4回が、課題になっています。話題はマネジャー育成に際してのビジネススクールの役割、意義や存在価値についてが中心になっています。その4回の要約のそのまた要約が今回お話しする課題(Mindful Group Crystallisations)です。


写真はLancaster University Management School (LUMS)から徒歩20分程度の所にあるforrest hills(ゴルフとフィッシングが出来る)の池で発見した白鳥の巣と卵です。先週末はここでマインドフル・マネジャーの課外授業が行われました。


Mindful Group Crystallisations

Though the four crystallizations of Mindful Manager’s module, which we have completed as group work during term one and two, I realized a number of problems which business school programmes had and still have. For example, the success of causal theory and liberalism led to short-term prosperity in capitalized markets, but have also led to the development of a huge gap between rich and poor. All the scientific rationalism also created knowledge boundaries and marginalization of non-rationalistic thought. In contrast, the emergence of the Aristotelian concept of ‘how should one live?’ offers a shift from abstract to concrete, from scientific rationalism to Aristotle’s view which includes management as a political concept, requiring deliberative decision-making in a ‘VUCA’ world which reflect on the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of general conditions and situations.

“Knowledge of Machiavelli’s work and Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics would serve managers better than familiarity with the contents of academic texts. Skilled in metis managers must become, and phronomoi they must strive to be ” (Lenny, 2011). It is a big mistake to forget about historic approaches when attempting clear management - when we consider the concepts developed by ancient philosophers such as Aristotle, we can see how valuable they remain. In fact, Aristotle’s work provides key concepts for the current development in management and provides a stimulus for future activity. In particular, the idea of contextuality is a key aspect of Aristotle’s “Nichomachean Ethics”, in which he demonstrated Phronesis as the practical knowledge component of the three types of knowledge he had identified: 1) Episteme : the scientific knowledge that helps us to judge universal and necessary things 2) Techne : the craft knowledge that is about how to make things 3) Phronesis : practical wisdom and the practice of moral virtues. The combination of these three types of knowledge are the basis for an individual to achieve ‘Eudaimonai’ well-being.


By developing a harmonious balance of knowledge with one’s instincts, creativity and emotions, limitations of representational knowledge create deep awareness about an ambiguous situation. Craving public acceptance for our work also sets the scope of our work to ‘limited accepted knowledge’ and thereby reduces our ability to produce great works. Hence, selfishly seeking perfection and questioning the fundamentals will set us in the path towards wisdom. Wisdom can be learned from practical experience rather than books. It is also not only learning everything but also understanding the limits of one’s knowledge. Wisdom is a form of learned ignorance. Therefore, learning the concepts, which developed by ancient philosophers may be useful in terms of what is a key aspect for managing business, organization and human life.

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