おうち Engish!! home english class!!

2010-09-25 | Most important- Education
september class

every time kids come to the lesson- i set my alarm for 25 min.
and we play, or flashcards, and other ice breaking activities to make the comfortable feeling for the kids to learn english :)

i used my Indiana state university "bear" the other day for the lesson,
then who knew it? kids looooooooved the bear, they named it "blu chan" cause its blue, they were so cute!!!
i used some flashcards of food and animals and pretended the bear' voice
"i want some food- im hungry" and " i wanna play with a friend"
and kids supposed to have NO IDEA what im saying, but they figured out
that the bear was "hungry" and "sad" cause i made all this noise and thanks to my great acting
i realized... that the bear (doll) can be better teacher than an actualy person

Snaks time- they are getting so much better to say "thank you for the food", and todays snack was ramune and chocolate cookies :)
im glad they are having fun in my class, and they always dont wanna leave home. haha
they are also hard working with their homework which is so great!!!!!!

i love my kids


2010-09-18 | Most important- Education
I believe learning doesnt have an end.
you must study all the time in order to keep your memory, and gain knowledge!!
not only that, when you keep studying on daily basis- studying actually gets easier, and just becomes a routine!!

studying languages is also really important once you learned the language, it is sooooooo easy to forget it if you dont use it.
so the number of hours you are in that enviroment (reading, wrting or communicating) will effect the skills- even if you dont use it daily, if you keep practicing, new knowldge can be dtored in ur brain fast :))))

recently, to train my brain-... i started following this site

this is free, you can hear the sample of short stories (like 3- 5 min) about on different categories and answer some questions to make sure you got the idea.
its quick and easy- the whole things is like 10min. long including checking the ansers- imagine how cool it would be to do a brain excercise just 10 min. a day and it helps you to remember better ??

im a blood type B, which is known as "easy to get bored on one thing" but i will try my best to stick with this idea for a while.
when i finish all the tasks, hopefully i get to go to the "upper" level!!

Tooth Tooth SANNOMIYA, Kobe

2010-09-15 | What makes me comfortable
i met my friend from college for lunch :)
I picked the restaurant- ive wanted to go there for a long time but somehow i never had been!!!

The place was really nice, they have a garden outside of the glass window, you can look out and it gives you the comfortable feeling - big space!!
our favorite was freshed baked bread, all different kind- then they also have different kind of oil and seasonings for the bread :) plus, its ALL YOU CAN EAT!

for lunch combo you can choose the main dish, i got a grilled chicken
it was soooooooooooo yum yum!!

i liked everything about the restaurant, and i will definitly go back there!!

here is the salad they offered, and it was sooooo great!

The magic of "just olive oil and vinegar" is amazing, whenever i do that at home, it never works like one in restaurant. is that the quality of olive oil!?

i dont know....

5 minutes from Sannomiya station, 11th floor of KOKUSAI KAIKAN (there is starbucks underground)

Meatballs & potatos

2010-09-11 | My work of art
Once i ate meatballs and potatos from IKEA

but i didnt wanna spend time looking for receipe so,

Grounded meat
shiso leaf
italian seasonning
salt and pepper
and..... here is the most important berry jam!!!!
Who knew it will work out or not!?
oh well! who cares! thats the joy of cooking!

i didnt make the gravy this time!

so it turned out.... like this

you dont know until you actually taste it!!!!!!!!!!

in out house this "steamer" is a hit

All you need is love? 愛がすべて☆ (日本語)

2010-09-11 | Most important- Education


と言われ続け 育った。



得意だった歌や踊りや 人に優しくしてあげる態度などを



体も小さく あまり意味もわからない私に








今 考えたら
私は ほめられて いろんなことにやる気をだしていったんだ、と思う








その代わり 空手着をぐちゃぐちゃにしまったり ありがとうございました がちゃんといえなかったら なかされるくらい怒られる。

ほめられることで自信がつき、もっと練習したい うまくなりたいっと




だけど、私 真剣にこの世の中にある犯罪とか自殺の悲しいニュース、その本人たちがもう少し愛情をそそがれて、それを認識することで確実に減るんじゃないかなって思う

Sweet and Sour Shrimp! (chinese cuisin)

2010-09-09 | My work of art
I made a menu for the whole month, so its really easy for me to
prepare dinner

so tonight I cooked

Sweet and sour Shrimp

What you need
Shrimp (must)
Flour (if any, Tempura flour)
1 onion (must)
Lettuce (for topping)
sesami oil (if not, any oil)

For the sauce
sweet and sour chili sauce (you can buy at the store, or just mix tomato sauce, sugar, and chili)
Mirin (if not, white wine)
Kochujan (korean chili paste)- if not, use hot sauce or tabasco

how to cook

Easy Process! just 5 steps!

1.put some flour in a ziplock, and put add shrimp, shake it up till they are covered with flour.

2.Heat the skillet and put some oil, stir fry diced onion till brown.

3.serve fried onion on a plate and add more oil for deep frying shrimp.
fry them until brown.

4.while shrimp is being cooked, make the sauce. mix all the ingridience, always taste it and adust the way you like it.
add onions and fry some more, then stir in sauce and fry.
( in this photo , onions are overcooked)

5. put some lettus on the bottom of a plate ( ites better if the plate is not flat!!) ad serve!!!

Im not so good at cooking chinese dishes, but i tried it!!! and it turned out pretty good!!!

HOME ENGLiSH :) おうちえいご sept.9th

2010-09-08 | Most important- Education
They did their homework!!!!!!!!!! great job kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we learned "colors" today- and the magic word


I believe "please" and "thank you"
is really important for not only kids, but for anyone to know, and use!!
i guess my older student Y, (8, girl) feels funny when she says "thank you" in english, but she feels right when she says "ありがとう” arigato (thank you in jp) i told her, it really makes me feel happy, if you said thank you to me in enlish, because its an english class, and she understood.

I have a Piano, two Guitars, an ukulele, a Shamisen (noone knows how to play) so when the kids come here, they always wanna play those.
but since i need to teach them the least manners and diciplines as far as playing an instruments ( like putting them back in a place, or dont mess with the tuning, or dont treat instruments like they are toys... and so on)
i had the kids sit in front of me, and we had a little "meeting" and discused that. I told them, they can play the instruments whenever they want to if they asked me ... please! so they said "guitar please" or "piano please" and started playing.

As far as the color games, they did well- but hey werent as intrested as the first time!! so i should come up with more fun game for them next time, but today they heard a lot of colors in english, and they did repetitions very well!!

out main event in our class today was


so i explained what we will do, (almost all in japanese, then some in english since they were getting frustrated with me speaking english the whole time ;;)

They measured the "hotcake mix", cracked an egg, so and so, they were so interested!!

be careful, dont spill!!

Its always good to taste!!

ah!! you got me!!

its... abit burnt, but oh well! haha tasted so good!!


pasta ....tomatos+ anchoby+olives

2010-09-07 | My work of art
what you need...

olive oil
Stuffed Olives with anchovy
olive oil
Salt and Pepper
white wine
Mushroom ( i used Japanese shimeji)
Mini tomatos

fry bacon and Garlin with olive oil

when you can smell good garlic and bacon is cooked,
add olives, tomatos and mushrooms
( its better to cut olives so anchovy will give it a good flavor)

COOK Pasta.

Add cooked pasta to a skillet. ( Dont overcook the spaghetti since it will be cooked more in a skillet)

Add white wine, salt and pepper if you like. ( use olive juice to adjust the taste too that way you dont have to add much salt )

Presentation of the food is not so well this time... but the taste was .... its not too much o say..... OUTSTANDING!!!!!!
