Rude? or Natural behavior?

2011-11-09 | What's happening around the world

When a shop cleark say "good morning", do you say "good morning" back?

I was talking to my friend last night about it.

It seems like here in Japan, the relationship between a shop cleark and a customer is different from the one in America....

when someone says "hello"or "Good morning" in America you get an answer but here you dont...

Its like customers are paying to be "Bossy" and they dont have to say a greeting to a worker. i think thats wrong, i mean i was raised by my parents to say "hello" to people, so when i go into a shop and bought something, if they said "Thank you" i say "thank you" too....


What do you think?


3 コメント

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you're right (chuchuchie)
2011-11-11 22:56:57
now that you've mentioned it, i have noticed that most customers here don't really respond at all or feel bad about not responding :/ even on the streets when workers are directing traffic and pedestrians around roadwork, the worker is saying 失礼します、どうもすみません or something and everyone just walks by without even a nod of the head. :/ i always feel really bad and walk really fast around them, because i don't want to keep the other workers from doing their job, you know?

i guess it's tough for you since you're working in hospitality now. hospitality is a tough line of work in my opinion. i helped out in my parents' restaurants when i was in high school and some people are just down right nasty and rude :(

that's why i try my best to respond when i can because when i was working at my parents' restaurants, a nice customer or even a smile can just make your day :)
Yeah (Dazu)
2011-11-12 21:09:24
Thanks! And even though this is just my part time job, it IS a job, so i try to take it seriously.
But i just look it this way, They pay, and they pay to be their way, but if i give them a good service, im sure they will feel good and respond some day. so i just try and try, and never give up.
Unknown (émily)
2011-11-24 02:22:55
I agree with you! In France sometimes when you say "hello" to a customer, the customer answer " No, I'm just looking"
At the beginning it's not really nice when you don't get an answer but at the end, it makes me smile inside, because it seems that people are surprise to have a "hello just for free".
I could not prevent myself to answer hello in Japan because when you came in a shop the welcome was happy and spontaneous, it's pleasant.