
4 コメント

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Unknown (émily)
2010-09-15 18:16:33
It looks great, can you give me the recipe! I like tofu with vegetables...
Unknown (Robin)
2010-09-23 12:08:39
I got my stuff from Indiana finally! Now I have my nabe pots for winter! Yay~!
recipe (dazu)
2010-09-24 23:06:43
emily-its pretty easy, all you need is any vegis you like, and what we call "dashi" translated as "soup stock" normally from seaweed, or small fish or mushroom! this time i used the soup stock powder, mushroom flavor i bought in taiwan- and a little bit of soy- but you dont need to use soy in the pot if you are gonna dip in the sauce which is (soy sauce and vineger, about same amount maybe 2TB)
i dont know what kind of veges are popular over there- but you can put green veges such as spinich or cabbage, and carrot-
actually pumkins are also nice, if you like it!! if you have any more qustions just ask me!!

the kitte one? (dazu)
2010-09-24 23:09:52
hi!!!! didnt you buy the nabe pot when you were with me!?!? in osaka? or is it my mistake? i think i remember you saying "japan has so many cute things in everything, even the kictenwear or interir stuff, and you found some of the disney chopsticks and all these american charactors, but japanese style stuff!!!
recently i saw something on TV some people are interested in "western style nabe" and its like tomatos and cheese! but probably not with katsuo taste or anything, i hope not. hahahaha but im sure tomato and cheese nabe will be just as good as the margerita pizza! hahaha