Your dream house!

2010-07-30 | Most important- Education
another activity today given by DeRoMaN was

"design your dream house!"

It was so interesting!!!!!!
First we talked about houses, apartments, boat house, etc...
and asked the kids "what kind of house DO you live in?"
kids were so cute, they were asking each other which floor of the tall apartment they live, and it was great that we could imcorporate(?) the
"high" and "low" from the previous lesson!!!!

then we discussed what kind house would be NICE to live in, and we started to design our DREAM house!!

some of them designed...
☆ a cat house -eyes are windows and mouth is a door!
☆ a maze house- there are lots of tricks and difficulties the people have to pass to get to each room
☆ a cool boat house on the water
☆ a house of 4 seasons, and on the roof there are symbols for each seasons which are snow, cherry blossoms, fallen leaves and ocean water! (so creative)
☆ a house which has a loooong slide- so you dont have to walk!

it was great, the kids imagination always surprises me.
i think some of the designs they did today... they might come true in the future-!
especially the loooong slide one, its WOULD be pretty useful actually.

Math activity [ high and low]

2010-07-30 | Most important- Education
今日は、レッスンでmath の high and low をやった☆

まず、最初に H とL をボードに書いて、H for high and L for low を教えてから、
みんなで体を動かして、go higher, higher, higher, go lower, lower, lower で
アクション☆ その後、数字をあてるゲームをした

My lesson for the day was a "math" acitivity, we learned high and low through actions, numbers, and worksheets!!!!

the kids did an excellent job on every activity, since its been more than a week and they are getting used to the lesson. sometimes i was a bit sad i felt maybe i was too bring to the kids even when i gave some activity, they wanted to play play and play, (which i know it is totally normal for the children) but since i really love teaching, when the teaching doesnt go well i feel very sad or not good enough.....
but today was so good, i loooooooooove you, kids! hehehehe

数字  low high ゲーム

お友達がヘルプで lower, lower と教えてあげ、反対は higher となる。
もし 4 といって lower,1 といって higher
なら答えは 2か3、それで答えていくというかんじ。


guessing the number game was really fun, even there are different english levels in the classroom, numbers are very farmilier to everyone! so it was great!!
even the 5 year old participated, and he had fun!!! so nice!

after that we did a worksheets and they compared two numbers
1 4
10 7
5 5

if its the same, you will write equal,
if its lower, you will write <
if its higher, you will write >

everyone did GREAT!!!!!!

casework ケースワーク

2010-07-27 | Most important- Education
Casework is one method for solving a problem regarding to children with abuse, parents divorce, and so on. the problem might not dissapear 100%, but the purpose of it is to support the self help of a client.

Here are the process of casework

intervention...actual conduct of support

Intake... first contact with a client.
* can a client and worker build a le pole (trust)?

Accessment...Finding out what the problems are, and what needs to be done.
* kids may be nervous to tell the truth, or what they tell the worker might be different from what is actually happening.

planning...decide the supporting method after finding out what the problems are.

direct/indirect intervention

monitoring/ evaluation... checking to see if the supporting process is working toward a goal. if not, reacess and replan for another support.

finish... the best form to end it is to solve a child's problem with a reflection of his hope.

Steak dinner :)

2010-07-25 | My work of art
STEAK aussi beef yum yum

Japanese soy taste... i made a special sauce for steak :)
It was really good!!!!

salad!! i used cabbage, cucamber, carrots,

Tuna and cucamber ツナきゅーり

2010-07-25 | My work of art

its cold udon noodles!!!
the sauce is a new "reishabu" dressing i bought from a store, it goes very well with cold noodles!
canned tuna already has oil so you don thave to put too much sauce, it has its own flavor-!! if you add lemon im sure it wll be great!!!!


KISS Kids In Summer Skip 楽しかったよ☆

2010-07-25 | Most important- Education
A day trip to the library!! it was soooooooooo hot today, and as i told everyone- they were all ready with their caps on!!
first we made hot dog lunch (with chicken nuggets and french fries) then we walked all the way to kuise station :)
Kids were so cute figuring out how to buy the train ticket^^
Everything was under controll, the time management especially !!!!!
Great thanks to teacher Mai who helped me today!!!

Kids writing a book title in English!! First time for them to write! Great job!!

we are so hot, we couldnt resist!!!!!!!!!

In front of amagasaki station, there were some booths and we had a chance to try different things for free!!!! as soon as kids soon a bunch of wood sticks, they all ran to them and were so curious!!!!!!

We made our hotdog!!!! GREAT JOB KIDS!!!!

「完璧」なバイリンガルを求めすぎる日本 スペースアルク

2010-07-25 | Most important- Education
 「完璧なバイリンガル」って、何でしょう? そもそも日本で教育を受けた日本人の中に、「完璧な日本語」を駆使できる人が、どのくらいいるのでしょうか。



 最後に、留学をお考えの方にお尋ねいたします。あなたとお子様にとって、言語習得は、ゴールですか? それともスタートですか?


Space ALC キッズ英語より 

これを読んで、確かに日本は教育に関して形式的なところにこだわりたい完璧主義な部分が強いのかもしれないと思いました。 コミュニケーションは、伝えたい気持ち!!
