SMILE CANDY PROJECT スマイルキャンディープロジェクト

2011-03-16 | What's happening around the world

  This is a box i made to donate candies with smile from what i experienced in kobe as a child i was very happy to get a candy and i was smiling.



i know there will be a long way to go before everything recovers but i think children in shelters will like the candies with cute picture on it!!



what i did was to cut out a paper to 5cm(1.2inch) by 3cm(2inch) rectagle and draw a smily face or

a charactor with the word "smile!! by azu"

私がつくったのは、3cm×5cmの紙に子供が笑顔になるような好きなキャラクターとか顔文字とsmile の言葉、そして名前です。

I know this isnt much help or the energy source for a body,  comapering to bread, or rice balls, or cash donation that can actually buy food and water, but i thought if this way i can collect from children to send to children too.

here are what I drew これが実際に描いた絵です。(下手でごめんね。。。笑)

Totoro with a silly smile, a cute rabbit with lots of hearts, some emocons "happy" and "funny"

and taped it onto a piece of candy (drop?). それをテープで貼っただけのものです。

If your kids can draw a smily face on a piece of paper 5cm by 3cm and send it over to me, i will appriciate it very very much! if you cant send it, please take a photo and send by email!!!!! i can print it out or i will figure out some other way.


Im going to ask for the kids and parents at the previous preschool i used to work for, and the afterschool i work now, and my friends and families.

actually I will not send the candies yet since many areas are not accepting aids to avoid confusion. Prefectual official homepage also notes that. BUT it doesnt mean we cant start collecting supportive words!!!

If you can join this project, plz leave a comment below!!!  If you could ask ur family and friends to draw a smily face and ur words on a paper, and send them to me. thats all. please, write a comment below!


今現在 各県の公式ホームページなどでは



という風にあるのですぐに送ることはしませんが、たとえば学校が始まるときなど子供たちに応援を送ることができると思って今このプロジェクトを始動しました☆ それから、募金は、子供はなかなかできないけど絵を描くことなら得意だから、子供たちから子供たちへ、という意味でもこれをしました。







タグ 東北地震、救援物資、募金、プロジェクト、スマイル、笑顔、元気、被災地、被災者、こども

あめ 津波



Tofu Steak with vegi.sauce とうふステーキの野菜ソースがけ♪ 1,2,3,4,5!

2011-03-10 | My work of art

Easy, Healthy, and DELICIOUS!!!!!!! (My own receipe)


とうふ1丁 きゅうり2本 ソーセージ1本 たまねぎ半分  ポン酢 梅ぼし

てんぷら粉 または 小麦粉  油少々 塩少々  easy step 1-5で作ってみてね♪

1.きゅうり、ソーセージ、たまねぎ 梅干 はみじん切りにする。 たまねぎは辛いので塩水につけておく。




5.3のソースをかけてできあがり。  ソースには、青じそやパセリ、みつばなどの香り野菜を入れると


what you need....     and easy stpe 1-5!!

☆ cucamber, sausages, onions, flour, Tofu,

1. dice cucamber, sausages (cooked hot dog is okay.) and onions. Soak onions in the salt water for about 5 min.

2.Dry the Tofu with kitchen paper or microwave the tofu for about 2 min. to dry all the water from tofu. (this is to prevent tofu from spitting all over.cover tofy with flour (add little water in flour) and fry both side. (if you like it really crispy, use much oil but i used only about one table spoon of oil because the whole purpse of this dish is to be... healthy. hahaha   it should take about 3 min. on each side.

3. Take out the onions out of salt water, mix with No.1 and PONZU.

4.When both side of tofu are cooked and (crispy is good!), place them in a large plate!!

5. pour the No.3 Sauce on tofu!!! if you add percely, mitsuba, aojiso or etc those herbs itll even makes a rich flavor! luv luv!!


Hope you like it!


Fejioada! フェジオアーダ  from Brazil(ブラジル料理)

2011-03-08 | My work of art

I have started my world trip again....   in my kicten!



Im going to try to cook dishes from around the world!!!!! If you want me to try cooking some dish from YOUR country, please leave a comment!!!!!!!!! I will try :>>>>>

In this entry, i will introduce Fejioada, Brazilian dish. Its blackbeans with pork, along with salad and rice... ( i added the salad and rice) just the beans are called Fejion.

This is how you make Fejioada, i cut and paste this directly from a site.


8 cups dried black beans

3 pounds carne seca (Brazilian salted cured beef)

2 pounds sweet sausage (I use Portuguese choriço when available)

2 pounds baby back spareribs

2 bay leaves

1 large onion

2 cloves garlic

3 tablespoons olive oil

The night before, soak the beans in a large bowl with water to cover at least 3-4 inches. Soak the carne seca in water to cover. The next morning, drain the beans and place in a large pot with water to cover by at least 3 inches. Bring the beans to a boil in medium heat.

Meanwhile, cut the carne seca into 1-inch pieces. Cut the sausage into 1-inch pieces. (When I use the Portuguese sausage I usually prick it with a fork and simmer it for ten minutes in enough water to cover; then I cut it.) Cut the ribs into 2-rib sections.

Add the carne seca, sausage, ribs and bay leaves to the beans. Simmer for about 2 hours or until soft (Goya brand black beans usually take about 2 hours) , stirring from time to time, adding water as necessary to keep beans covered. Keep an eye on the beans so they don't burn at the bottom!

Chop the onion and garlic. Heat the olive oil in a cast iron skillet over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and cook until golden brown. Add two ladlefuls of beans and mash them. Put this back into the pot. It will thicken and season the beans.

Continue to simmer gently for at least another hour, adding water as necessary. A good feijoada should have a creamy consistency when done. Remove the bay leaves. Some people take the meats out at this point and serve them separately on a platter. I like to leave them in with the beans, it keeps them hot. Serve the feijoada and garnishes in ceramic bowls and platters, it will add a touch of authenticity!


クラムチャウダー鍋 clamchowder nabe

2011-03-03 | My work of art


canbell's can clamchowder soup キャンドルのクラムチャウダー缶(KALDIなど外国のものを扱うスーパーお店で売ってます)

milk 牛乳

any vegis 野菜 好きなもの

any pasta パスタ 好きなもの


what you do.... a pan, pour in clamchawder soup   お鍋に(私はフライパン。)クラムチャウダー1缶と牛乳を入れて似る

2.add milk ( i added one can of milk but you can add more if you like it milker) 好きな野菜を入れて塩コショウで味付け

 I addded spinich, potatos, onions and daikon. hehe


3.add any vegis, salt pepper, if you need it


you can enjoy two different meal! first just the soup, then add pasta at the end! its so yummy

 you can cook more pasta than one night amount, so you can use it on later days. its useful!!


its so gooooood!



ニュージーランド大地震 (日本語)

2011-03-01 | What's happening around the world





すぐにFacebookで無事ですか?と呼びかけたらホストファーザーが「大丈夫だよ」と返信してくれ安心。 1995年の神戸の地震のときは公衆電話に並んだのを覚えてる。インターネットなんて周りになかったしあの時は電話もパンクしてなかなか通じなかった。



「まだ助かっていない学生がいますが、今どういった気持ちですか?」 レスキューされた一人の女の子(19歳)がインタビューされた。 彼女はそのことを知らされていなかったためびっくりして「え?私のクラスメートが?私の学校ですか?本当に?知らなかった・・・・ なんで私は助かってしまったの?なんで生き残ってしまったの?」と繰り返した。

インタビューはその後は進まず違うシーンにいったけど・・・ いろんな不安や希望をもって日本から留学した19歳。ほんの数日前に大地震に巻き込まれ、でも友達はまだ生き埋めだという状況の中で「まだほかの人は救助中ですが今の気持ちは?」と聞いてどうするのか。

日本人留学生の家族が続々とニュージーランド入りしているが、現場に出入りすることを警察から禁止されとっても悲しい気持ちだとニュースが言っていた。家族の気持ちもわかるが、これ以上の被害者を出したくないという警察の気持ちもわかる。 余震は、何度もやってきて、そのたびにかなり大きいものだったりもするから。私は知ってる。何度も経験した。


娘が助かったお父さんに対し「よかったですね。今の気持ちは?」  彼はとっても答えにくそうにしていた。ほかの家族は後ろを通り過ぎたり、周りにはまだ助かっていない人の家族もたくさんいるようだった。

少し怒りを覚えたような表情をうかべて「素直に喜べません。まだ見つかってない方もいます。」 といった。

そう。みんながわかってる。 もう地震発生から3日以上。 遺体が発見されても誰がだれかわからない。そして。この72時間は生存者がぐっと下がるライン。

でも、その中で助かった人もいるの。 もしかして、瓦礫の中にはいないかもしれない。どこかに逃げて、連絡がとだえているだけかもしれない。だから、今、生き埋めになっている人が「どういう専攻だった」とか「何がすきだった」とか


ほかの情報集めることやってほしい。    メディア、もうすでに十分傷ついた人たちを、これ以上傷つけないでください!


2011-03-01 | What interests me

Just last week, we had a professional aroma massage teachers from "natural time"coming to our school to teach the "moms" how to give yourself a massage with aroma oil.

 "Natural Time", Kobe.                

So now every night routine is to massage my face with this "Azu's one and only aroma massage oil".

I was watching the little kids in a nursery area but i could see their class through the window and i was so curious what they were doing for an hour class!! After the lesson the whole room smelled so good and comforting so I told the ladies so, and they were like

"Oh, here, if you like, you can have this oil. we had an extra."

woo hoo!!       do u know what's in this oil??? It's a grapeseed oil with essential oil!! So what they said was i could mix three different flavors of my favorite from the varieties of choice with the explanation of what each one's effects.  SO, i chose ROSEMARY, LAVENDER, and BERGAMOT.

Rosemary-refreshing  ローズマリーはリフレッシュ

Lavender-Relaxing ラベンダーはリラックス

Bergamot-prevent from aging (skin, hair also) ベルガモットは髪の毛、肌の老化防止




 There is an easy way to massage ur face!!! You can do this with or without ur oil but if you have oil, it's easier to do a massage because your skin gets oily and smoother!!! if u are sitting down, u can use the "gravity" and just lean ur weight over to ur finger. you can bend ur index finger like in the picture on the left, and place it(more like you can lean over to ur finger instead of you pushing ur face with ur finger) just under ur eye. u can use both hands.

You can wake up to a nice relaxing feeling with ur skin so smooth and even your hands feel nice!



I LOOOOOOOOOOVE massage, facial, body, foot, aroma, Thai, Taiwan, reflexology, and all kind. hehehe massage is almost the reason i travel too, so now im so glad that i found the opportunity to get to know "self massage" in Kobe!! hee hee!

旅先では必ずそこのマッサージに行くっていうくらいマッサージが大好きな自分にとって神戸でこんな身近にマッサージのことが知れてうれしいー☆ タイや台湾にいたときは毎日行っていたし、いつもいくリフレやボディーマッサージ、整体などとにかく癒しーが大好き♪ BABY MASSAGEにも興味あるし♪♪