HOME ENGLiSH :) おうちえいご sept.9th

2010-09-08 | Most important- Education
They did their homework!!!!!!!!!! great job kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we learned "colors" today- and the magic word


I believe "please" and "thank you"
is really important for not only kids, but for anyone to know, and use!!
i guess my older student Y, (8, girl) feels funny when she says "thank you" in english, but she feels right when she says "ありがとう” arigato (thank you in jp) i told her, it really makes me feel happy, if you said thank you to me in enlish, because its an english class, and she understood.

I have a Piano, two Guitars, an ukulele, a Shamisen (noone knows how to play) so when the kids come here, they always wanna play those.
but since i need to teach them the least manners and diciplines as far as playing an instruments ( like putting them back in a place, or dont mess with the tuning, or dont treat instruments like they are toys... and so on)
i had the kids sit in front of me, and we had a little "meeting" and discused that. I told them, they can play the instruments whenever they want to if they asked me ... please! so they said "guitar please" or "piano please" and started playing.

As far as the color games, they did well- but hey werent as intrested as the first time!! so i should come up with more fun game for them next time, but today they heard a lot of colors in english, and they did repetitions very well!!

out main event in our class today was


so i explained what we will do, (almost all in japanese, then some in english since they were getting frustrated with me speaking english the whole time ;;)

They measured the "hotcake mix", cracked an egg, so and so, they were so interested!!

be careful, dont spill!!

Its always good to taste!!

ah!! you got me!!

its... abit burnt, but oh well! haha tasted so good!!

