台湾ー滞在先 Taiwan- I'm staying here!

2009-04-22 | What's happening around the world
Hello there-!!!
みなさん こんちわ★


I got a place to stay, my 2 language exchange partners (Chinese-Japanese)!
a student for my private English lesson, a school I'll visit to see!
and.. some travel plan to an island and a Live event ,reunion with my ISU friend in Taichung, (maybe) a baseball final game (J, im looking forward to it)

Im getting so excited. so so so excited.

19days till departure!

結婚式 A wedding

2009-04-14 | What makes me comfortable

I went to a wedding of my best friend from Junior High school!
She looked so pretty and happy- i saw her about 6 months ago and she looked.... normal, but on the wedding day..... oh my goodness.
There was a light shining behind her and i could see Happiness coming out from all of her body.

I hadnt seen her husband to be- so I was wondering what kind of person he is... and I really liked him. He looks sooo sweet- even he is older than her she is matured woman so they are really cute couple!

We had a big speech to do at a wedding... Risa, Naoko and I were best friends through middle school and Mai, the bride asked us to do a speech at a wedding. and we knew, the regular speech isnt gonna be interesting- so we decided to do something funny-
everyone loved it. At first each of us read a small letter to her which I dont know why- but I just started crying as soon as I started doing a speech (so bad- sorry Mai!!)
then we began the funny part of the speech, we showed " Instruction of Mai" this was a booklet we made for her husband actually. It tells how to fix the problem when something is wrong with the product... "her" - well we made it look like a real book but about 5 times bigger than the regular book

the speech went well, great food, very touching messages from the guests, and nice afterparty

It made all of us wanna get married - on the way home we talked about what kind of wedding ceremony we would hold in the future and who is going to be next?


who? i dont know.

Louis Armstrong "what a Wonderful World"

2009-04-02 | What interests me

I see trees of green........ red roses too
I see em bloom..... for me and for you
And I think to myself.... what a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue..... clouds of white
Bright blessed days....dark sacred nights
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world.

The colors of a pretty the sky
Are also on the faces.....of people ..going by
I see friends shaking hands.....sayin.. how do you do
Theyre really sayin......i love you.

I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow
Theyll learn much more.....than Ill never know
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world

(instrumental break)

The colors of a pretty the sky
Are there on the faces.....of people ..going by
I see friends shaking hands.....sayin.. how do you do
Theyre really sayin...*spoken*(I

I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow
*spoken*(you know their gonna learn
A whole lot more than Ill never know)
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself .......what a wonderful world.

My heart Belongs to Daddy

2009-04-02 | What interests me

While tearing off a game of golf
I may make a play for the caddy
But when I do, I don't follow through
Cause my heart belongs to Daddy

If I invite a boy some night
To dine on my fine Finnan Haddie
I just adore, his asking for more
But my heart belongs to Daddy

Yes, my heart belongs to Daddy
So I simply couldn't be bad
Yes, my heart belongs to Daddy
Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, DAAAAD

So I want to warn you laddie
Though I know that you're perfectly swell
That my heart belongs to Daddy
Cause my Daddy, he treats it so well

While tearing off a game of golf
I may make a play for the caddy
But when I do, I don't follow through
Cause my heart belongs to Daddy

If I invite a boy some night
To cook up some hot enchilada
Though Spanish rice is all very nice
My heart belongs to Daddy

Yes, my heart belongs to Daddy
So I simply couldn't be bad
Yes, my heart belongs to Daddy
Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, DAAAAD

So I want to warn you laddie
Though I know that you're perfectly swell
That my heart belongs to Daddy
Cause my Daddy, he treats it so well


2009-04-02 | My roots

Cherry Blossom.. Still early

Japanese Carp swimming in a pond

Japanese women wearing Kimono

Inside the Tokugawa Garden

TV Tower near Nagoya Station. Beautiful Neon at night

Best friend in Nagoya. (at Bowling Ally)

IKEA Port Island

2009-04-02 | What's happening around the world
I went to IKEA today!

IKEA is a furnishing store in Port Island (Sannomiya, Kobe)
from Sweden. When you get the place you can tell that the store is foregin. Bright yellow and Blue design stands out there. Its very nice.
The target was a Shower Curtain. We had to get a new shower curtain because it was getting tooooo dirty- which only I suggested that in my family everyone else didnt seem like they cared, but we found a really nice one !
I also bought nice candles and a spray bottle :)

IKEA is also a place to go when you wanna take a FREE trip to Europe!!
Everyone you see is from Sweden and its just sooooo colorful!

Main event in IKEA is also THE food court. We havent tried the restaurant upstairs yet, but next time we wanna try... the food court is so great you can get an ice cream cone for 50 yen! 50 50 50 50 yen!?!?!? so cheap! So small though, but its better to get a small sized ice cream cheaper than big one more expensive. ya know?!
and hot dog for 100 yen :) if you get a hot dog- drink combo, its only 180 yen and free refill baby!!! ha ha!
its like Costco but cheaper and smaller. hehe its cool though!
Today they ran out of the hot dog buns so they used some kind of PITA style bread it was like a Indian Nun or Greek Pita.... or whatever whatever. Casadilla... i could say... its a wrap you know. it was tasty, thats wll it matters!



Weekday they close at 8pm!
The shuttle bus from Sannomiya is free!!!
they have 2 buses an hour!
the last bus FROM IKEA TO sannomiya is 820.
So you check out your stuff and pay, you go out, get on the bus, go home with happiness ;))

OH be careful they dont give you a free bag so you gatta buy a shopping bag there for 105yen or
you can bring your own bag. I think thats better- unless you are going to buy something really heavy :)


My first try.. charactor Plate :)

2009-04-02 | My work of art
I've been cooking like crazy^^
and I made a dinner plate for my parents- it was really nice.
I even gave myself A for this.

I realized something after sometime---
i really really really love
housework- everything- cooking, cleaning, washing, and so on :)

Pretty comfortable and relaxing!

淡路 夢舞台 Awaji Yumebutai

2009-04-02 | My roots
もしいったことがない人は淡路島 夢舞台にぜひいってみてください。
有名な建築家 Tado Ando が立てた 夢舞台。

喧嘩してるカップル 夫婦 仲直りしたい、
お金がかからない場所に 子供を連れて行きたい 



ぜひ ぜひ

If you are in Kansai and you wanna take a short day trip. Awaji is the place to go. You can take JR to Maiko station and take the bus form there (500yen) to Awaji Yumebutai. it takes about 15 min. and you can spend the whole day there. If you like art, photography, or flowers You will like this place.

You can take your girlfriend, boyfriend, wie, husband, or your kids there and spend the whole day relaxing and takin lots og beautiful photos-

My boyfriend and I had a good time there- we never got bored!

Right now SAKURA (cherry Blossom) ice cream can be bought in a small restaurant in YUMEBUTAI. you should try it its so yummy :)