2009-10-01 | Education Trip 2009
The visitation to HAPPY SCHOOL (Phnon Penn, Cambodia-Aug.2009)

When I arrived at HAPPY SCHOOL, the director Mr.Phella was waiting with heartwarming welcome. He was very happy to have me and soon let me in the school. The facilities were very simple, it looked like a small community center seen in Japan. There are nothing on the playground, but I saw a lot of children running around and laughing. When I walked in everyone’s attention were given to me with a big smile, yet when I approached them and said `Hello` in English, they giggled and got shy. Mr. Phella introduced me to this 10 year old girl who has been doing so well in this school especially she was interested in English class. So I said “ Hello, how are you?” she smiled and said “I’m fine, thank you.” She could answer few more questions when I asked her age and so on, I was really impressed how we go on and on about how hard to learn another language in a perfect atmosphere, and this girl is only 10 years old and this is probably the first time for her to actually use English to communicate and she did so well and looked pretty comfortable talking to me.
We went in his office and discussed the history of the school and some of the things they are struggling with. I commented that I want to be a part of this Happy School and hopefully I will be able to organize something for a support. After our short conversation, we decided to go see the class in session. I had to use the bathroom so I asked if It was okay. I went to the bathroom, and I was disgusted, to be honest. This is a school we are talking, not a camp. However, the bathroom had a big tub filled with water, probably as big as for 4 or 5 adults can soak in, a bucket, and a toilet itself of course, no toilet papers. I have experienced dirty toilets like this now and then when I joined outdoor activities. Just to think that children have to use this toilet, I felt very bad. The class was in session upstairs. When we got to upstairs Mr. Phella showed and explained me about the Bhudda statues that were displayed on the glass case. Although Happy school is not a religious school, the students are expected to learn the basic knowledge of Buddhism for showing the respect of themselves and to the others. He introduced me to the children and the teacher and suggested that I should talk or ask some questions. I very much appreciated this opportunity and started talking about the things that I have always prepared if I was given the chance to. To my surprise, many children had no idea what I was talking about- but they were very interested in what I had to say. I said “ Have you ever heard of the country called Japan?” Mr. Phella interpreted it and asked the children. Everyone shool their heads. I said “ you will see a lot of cars and motorbikes on the street, right? Sometimes you see names written on them such as TOYOTA, NISSAN, HONDA.... Have you seen it?” few Children answered “I know that!” I also talked about food, and I was sure they would know SUSHI just because it is so popular. But they are just small kids and they don’t get to eat a lot of different dishes, so they didn’t know. Then I thought what about talking about sports, they must have seen it. I asked them “what sports do you like?” and they said few sports. I said, “Karate is one of Japanese trsaditional sports, and I have a blackbelt on Karate so would you like to see me do karate?” and of course, everyone was delighted to see me. I stood them up and couned the number, as they copy my action and shout “ayyy!” for the yell. They were having so much fun practicing karate, so I added few words as far as learning and practice Karate in reali life. “You may think this is just one form of street fighting, but it’s not. It is kind of discipline, so even though I taught you the punches today that should only be used for a self defense and to maintain the mental strength. Do you get it?” Children were so serious and paying all their attention to me while I was speaking, I just wished they were all my students for real. They will learn so quickly whatever I teach them because they are so motivated to listen to the teacher! Then they wanted to ask me a question so here goes the questions that they asked me.
 What is your name?
 What is your nationality?
 Do you have any brothers or sisters?
 How old are you? ( I asked them how old do you think I am?) and they said 20!! Good children!

After spending time with children for about 15 minutes, I left the classroom with a warm “Thank you for coming, please come again!” farewell. I felt so touched that I wish I didn’t have to leave. I have promised Mr. Phella I will come and visit them again, so I`m not sad.
This visitation was definitely a tough, but also life changing one.
