Lesson [Feelings] Activity

2011-02-18 | My Lesson Plans

what you need (for 4 players)

★color balls       ★2sets of 10 "feeling"flashcards(printed out paper better)     2 cups     ★ 2 basket (or box)

★2 big spoon for cooking (or something you can scoop the ball with)  ★tape

purpose* To learn and review the feeling words, and practice greeting "how are you?" and answering to it- I came up with this game because recently I realized some kids are not responding to "how are you?", I wanted to make sure that they understand this is proably most commonly used greetings and there are different ways to answer other than "im fine".

Preparation- tape the feeling cards on the color ball.

How to win this game-- whoever got the most balls.

1. Go over the feeling cards with the kids.

2.Have them practice the facial expression.

3. Pair up to make two teams.

4. Set two basket in one corner of the room and have one kid for each team stand in front of the basket.

5. in the other corner of the room, spread the balls with the cards along with the balls with no cards (just to distract)

6.ready set, go and one person form a team go get the ball with a cup and spoon. they must not touch the ball with their hands.

7. carefully come back to partner.

8. Basket person asks "HOW are you?"

9. ball person acts out the feeling. (dont say the word!)

10.basket person says " are you..?" if its right, drop the ball in the basket, and now the baskte person becomes the ball person and the ball person stays with the basket to wait for him to come back! and the game goes on.


Kids loves this game and we ended up playing three times! hahaha crazy!


LESSON [Verbs+Nouns] "I have a little Robot" puppet show

2011-02-08 | My Lesson Plans

what you need

construction Papers, scissors, markers, Chopsticks or pencils(for the puppet holder)

1.on a small piece of paper, draw a picture of the things below (red words) and tape a stick so you can hold it up

2. Learn the chants. hold up your card when you say your word.

3. Perform and have fun :)


I have a little robot.

The smartest I've ever seen.

He makes me a drink and bakes some bread.

He washes the dishes cleans my house.

He sits by the fire and dances all night!



Lesson [Occupation]+ [Feelings] Card Game *

2011-02-02 | My Lesson Plans

Our Monthly theme for this month(Feb.) is going to be../


                                      Appropriate for 5-8 yrs old. (If ESL could be older)

What I prepared...

FEELING Flashcards (happy, sad, angry, fine, hungry etc)

OCCUPATION Flashcards (Fisherman, police officer, teacher etc)

a few animal flashcards (Fish, frog, alligator)

"IS" or "ARE" cards (2)

You can arrange the game by lowering the level to just a word, not a sentence for preschoolers or instead of saying " A frog is sad" you could teach them "a sad frog"

1. I showed the flashcards to kids and had them shout the word if they knew it. (great to do the action when you review feeling cards. kids will come up with such cute faces.)

2. did the same with occupation, animal, and IS ARE cards.

3. Tell them if there is only one person or animal is called, they need to use "is" but use "are" for more than two.

4. when they understood the rules. spread the cards on the floor.

5. T. Says " a Police officer is angry!"

6. so the the kids need to reach out for POLICE OFFICER and ANGRY. One kid can get both cards, or two kids can get each.

7. If two kids got the cards as a pair, have them in front of the class and

pick out "is" or "are" and try to make the sentence. They will place the cards

"Police officer" "is" "angry" and everyone else repeats the setence!

It's always nice to have MANY FLASHCARDS prepared- By themes to be exact!! it makes so easy to prepare for the lesson, it takes less and less time. When you come up with one lesson you can change the cards , and arrange a bit!!

My kids today had a good time playing this game.

Four kids- 4yr (beginner), 5yr(eng-native),7yr(Intermidiate), and 8yr(jp-eng. Bilingual).

Plus 1 teacher 1 assistant- I thought it was great to work with these 4 that are different age, and different level, yet they had a lot of fun playing this game!! They learn feeling words, action, and the occupation. When you do the feeling, do "happy" really angry and the other way around, kids will say "nooooo! its not like that-!" and get into the action more.




Lesson plans [traveling] Pack the Suitcase! *GAME-- Great Game for 5-7 year old!

2011-01-06 | My Lesson Plans

This is a great game for kids to have fun and learn how to pack their suitcases for trip!

Materials: 2 suitcases or bags, 2 boxes,

              ↓ 2sets of the following↓

cap, swimsuit, sweater, jacket, underwear, towel, t-shirt, pants  etc.... anything!

Today's phrase... "Pack the suitcase!"

1.Make two teams

2.put some clothes in a box for each team (the number of clothing have to be the same)

3.lay out a suitcase

4. One of the first player of each team will start off the game by shouting "Pack the suitcase!" and will run to get one item.

5.when you come back, you must shout what you picked like, "a towel!!!!!"

6. you need to fold it nicely and place it in your suitcase.

7. when the box got empty, you need to zip your bag and shout "Let's GO!" whoever is faster is the winner!!


Voice from teacher  my students looooooved this game, and requested to play again and again! Kids became so serious to fold their clothes- great way to encourage them ! Afterwords the winner team took their suitcase and went outside, and the loser team sent them off "Have a nice trip!"  

Lesson plans- [Traveling] passport, immigration *CRAFT/ROLE PLAY

2011-01-06 | My Lesson Plans

Making a passport and Immigration Pretend play


Materials: Construction Paper, Origami papers or color papers, scissors, color markers, a Photo of a student (face up)/ draw a portrait

*OLD Passport, or Real Passport to show students

*a desk and a stamp/ whatever looks like one (for immigration pretend play)

1. Talk to students what a passport is, show them what it looks like, what information is in the passport.

2. Briefly tell the students what is "date of birth" and "date of expiration", so that they understand what they have to write.

3. Begin a craft time and have students pick out any color paper and design their own passport front page- make sure they will write the information of their ID. If they are too young to write, they can copy, or give them typed words and let them pick out.

4.When they are finished, tell the students they need to line up at the "immigration".


(my student said "business" , I said "but, you are 7 years old? and you are on a business?" and she said " yes, toy company."  it was so cute)

(Explain that the immigration officers might ask you couple of other questions)

6.Give them a stamp or just pretend you are stamping, and send them off "have a nice trip"

YOU CAN SWITCH roles, student can be the office too! its really fun and useful!!