
2011-12-05 | What's happening around the world
メリグル ★ 2011 December lunch box & JAZZ performance by maichans teacher!! my friend maichan(shes a great piano player) and i meet about once a month to go out for a good place to eat or where we can listen to goooood sounds like jazz. we have been doing that since we were 23or so. its great. so on Sundax we went for her piano teacher s happyokai. her teachers husband ir a guitor teacher,and they also have a drum teacher there, its a cozy, family type school. they have once a year recital and family and friends come and see the result of a year practice!!! little girl was playing guitar, high school girl singing heavy metal song, ukulele by old lady and along with that singing by her grandson! it was such a dreamcometrue for granma that day she said!!   amazing how music can connect people!! ahhh i wanna learn vocal and sing jazz on stage!!!!!

Rude? or Natural behavior?

2011-11-09 | What's happening around the world

When a shop cleark say "good morning", do you say "good morning" back?

I was talking to my friend last night about it.

It seems like here in Japan, the relationship between a shop cleark and a customer is different from the one in America....

when someone says "hello"or "Good morning" in America you get an answer but here you dont...

Its like customers are paying to be "Bossy" and they dont have to say a greeting to a worker. i think thats wrong, i mean i was raised by my parents to say "hello" to people, so when i go into a shop and bought something, if they said "Thank you" i say "thank you" too....


What do you think?

50 words to motivate children to study

2011-11-05 | What's happening around the world

 There was an intresting newspaper article i wanted to share on education.

"Dialog is a very important opportunity to discover new things"

In everyday life, parents can use words such as

"Thank you for ......"  "It really helps me that you are helping me"

Kids will be more confident with themselves :)

★ If your child hates studying or never do their homework until you force them.....    "Prasie something other than academic matters"

That they are so gentle, strong, good at sports, and so on. 

in Addition it is important to

ask for kids oponion, even if it seems difficult for them. They will feel that they are part of the conversation rather than they are left out. Even if they are little, they have opinion! 

You dont have to correct a child and ry to make her/him someone thats not!

A human has good and bad.If you try to change that bad habit, sometimes the good also dissapears with the bad. You could close one eye and ignore it for a while, if you see things in a long run, you would think "Why did that bother me much?" Noone is perfect.

Educational Coach- Maki, Eto

Wrote "50 words to motivate children to study" 

United 93 - September 11

2011-10-22 | What's happening around the world


Twintowerにつっこんだテロリストをのせた飛行機のほかにも、テロに成功しなかったというもうひとつの飛行機がUnited93 で生存者がいなかったということはその映画の中身の内容は


その中でも得に印象に残ったのは 乗客がもう助からないと思ったときに




ほとんどの人が I just wanted to tell you I love you very much.

「ただ、愛してるってこと伝えたかったの。」 と言うの。


私は 誰に電話をかけて、何と伝えるんだろう?

って考えさせられたり。 アメリカ人って、「もういいって。」っていうくらいi love you って言うんだけど危機管理の概念っていうかいつなにがあるってわからないから、電話切る瞬間にi love you っていう習慣、いいなぁって思います。 yeah....

いつ 死ぬかわかんない、、、、でも そんなこと考えたくないけど、でも、だから、普段から

電話とかして連絡とって 自分の想いを伝えておきたいなぁって思う!


そんな話を昨日してたら今日mom が


「いま、仕事。 それじゃぁねー」







Thank you mom!




2011-10-20 | What's happening around the world
あるママからされた質問のお話をします★  私が、yoちゃんな授業での様子を話していて、単語が増えたのはもちろんちゃんと文章で話すし決まった内容だけじゃなくて、イマジネーションをつかって色々な単語を組み合わせ自分なりの表現をしたりと驚かされるばかりでした。てね! そうしたら、ままちゃんが  そう!スクール来たらスゴイしゃべるの!家では、日本語を私がしゃべるからかな、電話して病気でおやすみします、って自分でいいなさいって言ったらびょうき。。?おやすみ。。? って不思議そうで、全然言えないんです。 なんでなんだろ??  その答えは、 プリで英会話環境で生活に必要な英語からどんどん学んでいったyoちゃんにとっては 日本語→英語の翻訳機能が頭にないから! 単語なら、 おはようはgood morningとか簡単に訳せます、でも表現となると小学校高学年くらいでやっと翻訳を理解してくるんじゃないかな!っと答えました!  私も実は、アメリカ在学中スペイン語を学んだけど、クラスでの説明の媒体語は英語だったので今でもスペイン語の単語を思い出す時、日本語→英語→スペイン語の順でいちいちいってる。日本語→スペイン語の経験ないから、tambienとかalsoみたいな意味だった気がするけど、日本語では?って言われるとおどおどしちゃう!  まあそういう意味で、学んだ時の方法によって翻訳ができたり会話ができたりします。大人になって、両方できれば良いね☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆   

My summer holiday :>

2011-09-04 | What's happening around the world

I feel like i had done so much this month.

First, i finished my exam then it was work work work, but it was fun.

I never feel work is annoying or tiring becasue it is my choice to work, or not to work, and i prefer working with children than working on computers or hard headed grown ups. ( i dont know whether this expression is correct or not... i wanted to say 頭が固い which literally means hard headed)

anyways, although there were busy days, I didn't forget to be keep myself active- Thats ME.  I did more cooking, not much more than Spring time, but enough to introduce here in my blog entry.

I tried making more pizzas and pasta sauce since i have been growing Basil in my little planters. Basils are so easy to grow, although i did let them die once when i went away for two days... but thanks to my mother's good care, they grew back alive again and they are growing and growing.

So, HERE is my BASIL PASTA SAUCE recipi, easy and yummy.


basil leaves

olive oil


parmeseasn cheese

salt and pepper

ALL you need is to mix everything in a blender, and just add cooked spaghetti!!! I added octopus, green peppers and tomatos. it was yum.

At the end of August i went on a "crazy busy" trip to TOKYO by night bus. It was one of those 若手芸人 "young comedians" TV shows where you have 24 hours and limited budget and the list of things that needed to be done like finding a local person with a weired name or showing their performance and get certain number of people to laugh....

well my case was "you have 48 hours and you get to go see your friends from college, then to a concert of YOUNG AMERICANS JAPAN TOUR LAST TRIBUTE" then to awa odori, back to Kobe for work. and i did all of it, i had fun, so much fun, and im so glad i did it. I never thought i would take a night bus again to go to Tokyo after college because i remember it was so uncomfortable but actually this time i didnt feel it was hat bad. only bad was that i left my contact lens case behind and i had to rest with my lenses in..... sucked!!!!!!   my friend who i met in Tokyo was just back from Boston on his holiday so he brought me some childrens books! such a sweet friend! they were perfect! i already used two of them in my classes! Thanx!

It was so great to see my old friends, they make me smile, automatically. and i can really be myself. thats one of my purpose of life. and joy of life.


Its September!! This month is going to be pretty "Athletic" since there is 世界陸上 World track on TV all the time, and RUGBY game!!! I wasnt interested in it until i went to New Zealand, and people over there luvs watching their favorite team ALL BLACKS. if Japan beats France, we will be against New Zealand! So, here we come! I wish i could watch that game with my New Zealand family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aweeeee

And i started running because i have a big challenge i have determined tis summer, im not going to say it here yet,,, but some people already know it. So September, Atheletic month! here i come! hee hee!






Seperation, New meeting, Reuniting

2011-07-23 | What's happening around the world

So, not too long ago, just in the middle of June, I had a sad seperation with someone but because of that i could appriciate the support and the love from friends who care. I think, there are so many seperation and meeting in life and it repeats.

Once I had to get over someone and i could say it took me about 3 yrs to completely get over that person, but this time it wasnt like that.. I was back on track, doing my thing, keep reminding myself the purporse of life (Happiness for kids, and better education for the  future =my happiness!)

My friends have been really supportive, and i luv that. thats what friends are for. Im a "happy" and "positive"person no matter what happens. So even though it was a bad breakup, its not my intention to complain or critisize his behavior or actions. I actually do wish everyone in this world happiness. there was a part of me that wants me  to just let it all out and critisize how terrible it is... and be all negative...  

because my friends did just listen to my feelings and told me

"its ok to miss him" "dont worry you will meet someone new!"

"I understand your feeling, because you love him , you dont realize whats wrong in the relationship. i know it, and ihate it!!"

or simply... "how are you doing? how are you feeling?" rather than  "tell me everything, what happened?"




Eating, Drinking, Shopping, Movie, All done here. Ximen. 西門、台北

2011-05-31 | What's happening around the world

This is what it looks like.... YUmmy, right? I had the chicken leg (top right in the picture) It has good pepper flavor and soooooooooooooooooo good. yah, i loved it. I wish i could take it back to Japan and share it with everyone. or.. wait, then i wouldnt have to come to taiwan to eat it so thats bad, so ya please dont bring this to Japan. Local food must be eaten in local, in that atomasphere, and with this price.

もし台北で時間があるなら、MRTで西門までいって駅から歩いてすぐのこのお店に行くべき。私が食べたのは写真の通りご飯の上にお肉や野菜がのったものとチキンフライのセットとってもおいしい。スープもついてきてたったの130NT それは430円くらい?

写真の右上のフライドチキンが濃い青の主食のところにある鶏脚飯のこと。 左が琲骨飯 一番上のやつね。

IF you want to order chicken on the right top in the pic, its the second one in the dark blue in the menu.

As you can see from TOP left "main dish" its between 120NT-160NT which is like around 500yen- 5 US dollers.

Fried chicken(breast), leg, Fish, Curry, and rice/noodles come with it. also small bowl of soup which has almost no taste (but i love that somehow) comes with every main dish.

and the light blue letters on the right is the side dish like green veges or TOFU which are like 10-50NT.

これがメニュー。日本語読める人ならだいたいオーダーは簡単。鶏とかいていればそうチキンのこと 飯 とかいているのでだいたいのお店はごはんの上にチキンがのっているのだけどこのお店は別々に出てくるので嬉しい。出てくるときは一つずつでてくるかもしれないからごはんがきたときに上に肉がのているからといって「これは間違っている」と思わないようにね。私は思ったよ。

and this is what rice is covered with. some green, meat, and whatever its good.... everytime i eat it i dont know what it is but noone has successfully explained what they are to me... im just gonna say it taste like tofu but better, and a little harder than tofu, like chewy but its not seafood. my best guess is some kind of bamboo or plant. anyways, its good. we never know what we would like in a foregin country.

これがご飯の上にのっている野菜 肉 とうふのようなとうふじゃないとてつもなくおいしい物体。 これが何かということを


「これはなに?」と言ってしまい、その名前を言われ それがわからなくて何でできてるの?ときくと

説明するのが難しすぎる といわれるのがオチなのよ。


東一排骨總店     Get off at MRT XIMEN station

台北市延平南路61號  MRT西門駅から徒歩5分くらい




SMILE CANDY PROJECT Newest Update!!!!!! 最新情報!

2011-05-11 | What's happening around the world






I finally sent the two packages(smile Candies) to Kesennuma city, Miyagi pref. today!!!! 

it was a long way until i could find out where to send since everyone had been rejecting me (not in a bad way, they cant have too much stuff)

but i had talked to the city councilman directly and requested some support in finding out a place.

I got a phone call from him last night sayind that he talked to the city council of Miyagi pref. and that he got an address for me to send the package and if i send them to that address there would be children to receive those.

So i am really glad this worked out, and thank you so much for the support.

I leared a lot of things through this project.

I cant really express that with words, but  i feel so happy that I, we, achieved something.

ok, maybe thats just making me feel good for doing something good some people might say thats not for other's sake, and just for your sake. but whats wrong with that, now ive got so many to involve with this, especially my point was to teach children about the importance of sending our hearts and prayers by sending these messages and candies. They are too young to understand? its okay. they will remember that they did "something" with the candies that "they didnt get to eat" which is almost like a punishment for little kids. candiesn in front of them and not being able to eat. hahaha!!

Ok, so thats all for today becuase its my day off and i wanna take a bit rest and snack something... hehe allow me to be lazy :>

oh, and i have only17 days till Taiwan, im so excited.