Things i don't tolerate!

2010-08-31 | My roots
people who put make up on the train!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you?

i mean, isnt "putting make up on your face" is something you do in the bathroom, a private area?????
Its not like it smells (someone eating on the train), or distracts my concentration ( someone talking so loud or their music soooo loud), but somehow
those girls who do that.... really, annoy me.

i understand, i try, to understand, if they are still young like high school girls, they are still self conscious, always cant stop checking themslevs out- i just feel, ok, they are still kids but

a lady i saw today- was at least my age -

she basically started with NO MAKEUP to a full "scary mask" hahaha
obviously too much makeup, and it was rather scary than pretty, whats the point really- how can you apply mascara on a moving vihecle, oh my goodness, its unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!

i remember taking little Shion (my former student) with me once, and he asked me
what the "Priority seat" meant. so i explained that the people in the picture would be the priority people for those seats. and i added, even if you arent sitting in those seats, you should always care about other people who might need help.

Then he looked at the priority seat and out loud, " BUT ALL THESE PEOPLE dont look OLD, they dont have any kids!! and men dont have babies, so why are they sitting?"
lol i was so embarassed, and told him, "sheeeeee, people might be really tired from work, so they are sitting"

and he was like
"hmmm. ok"

i know, its hard to understand!! hehehe!
even these days if i try to give seats to elderly, they sometimes refuse rather than accepting the offer and you are suddenly in the center of attention in a crowd
" WOW, yah, so you are like, superhero?" look.....

well... for me its very natural, and i would expect people to do the same, so i do.

should we talk to kids about it?

2010-08-27 | Most important- Education

The book "yoko"

日本からアメリカに引っ越してきた主人公のヨーコは、ある朝、大好きなお寿司のお弁当をお母さんに作ってもらいました。The main charactor is called YOKO from Japan, her mom fixed "sushi " for fher lunch one day. she was so happy and excited to bring it to school/それを持って大喜びで学校に行った彼女。しかしランチの時間に同級生の友達から、変な食べ物をランチに持ってきたと言われてしまいます。but at lunch time all her class,ates laughed at her for bringing something stranger. Her teacher told her nicely that everyone would forget about it by the time they have snack.そんな彼女を先生は、おやつの時間になればみんなもう忘れてしまうでしょう、と慰めます。ところがおやつの時間に彼女が机の上に出したのは「小豆アイス」。これを見て、クラスメートはまたまた彼女を変なヤツだと馬鹿にしました。bu they they made fun of her even more when yoko took out her "red bean ice cream" for snack.先生もヨーコの悲しそうな表情に心を痛め、食生活の違いを理解するために、何かいい方法がないかと考えます。Seeing yoko's sad face the teacher suggests that they will have an international food festival at school. ever since the festival was held, everyone got interested in her food, and she couldenjoyed swpping food with friends :)そしてクラスで「インターナショナル・フード・フェスティバル」を開催することに。お話はその後、ヨーコにも日本食に興味のある友人ができ、それから毎日そのクラスメートとお弁当を交換する……というエンディングを迎えます。

such a nice story!!!! Im definitly gonna make my kids weired food everyday! i want my kdids to enjoy thai curry, fejada (brazilian food) panckaes, i mean its more fun,,,, right?? i do hpe that people will respect the differenes , its totally cool, to be different!!

family registration- 戸籍

2010-08-25 | My roots
A koseki (戸籍) is a Japanese family registry. Japanese law requires all Japanese households (ie) to report births, acknowledgements of paternity, adoptions, disruptions of adoptions, deaths, marriages and divorces of Japanese citizens to their local authority, which compiles such records encompassing all Japanese citizens within their jurisdiction. Marriages, adoptions and acknowledgements of paternity become legally effective only when such events are recorded in the koseki. Births and deaths became legally effective as they happen, but such events must be filed by family members.

(this lady is only 76 years old, 100 years old... still has 24 more years!!)

I was watching the news today and it said that in Osaka city there were over 100 people who were registered to be 100 years old or more... one lady was registered as 127 years old!!!!!! did they find them alive!?!?! no- most of them were not found at all, either their houses were not there anymore and any related papers with the information of their kids or grandkids, residents, dont exist..... it is a problem - this means the city, doesnt recognize the existant of citizen!!!!!

YUM YUM Gyudon

2010-08-25 | My work of art
always taste and see if you need to add more sugar or soy sauce!!

steamed rice
beef (thin sliced)300g, onion half, soy sauce,(3Tbs)sesami oil(if not any oil)1ts, sugar( 3TbS), sake (if not white wine)
TBS- table spoon おおさじ
tsp- tea spoon こさじ
any green herb or leaf (i used mitsuba, if not ou can use parcely)

heat the skillet and pour sesami oil (its gives the god flavor)
and stir fry beef ( you should slice the beef into smal pieces it tastes better)

add onions and fry more

when onions get soggy, add sugar, soy sauce and sake.

put the cooked beef on top of rice, and topping with a green leaf!!!
Yum yum!!!

My tea collection

2010-08-23 | What makes me comfortable
I love tea!

And if my friend comes to my place they will immediely know it, because i have my tea and coffee shelf, and all the collection :)

My favorite is...

HOT.... PEACH tea

of course, there are a lot more but these days i have been drinking a lot of those. i would loooooooooove to trave and collect more interesting tea!!

OKAYAMA- Takebe no Mori 岡山県 たけべのもり

2010-08-18 | My roots
From Amagasaki-Himeji-Okayama-Fukuwatari
尼崎からは姫路、岡山を通り越し 福渡駅

Took us about... 3 hours
! But it wasnt bad at all! nice chat, awesome view from our train, funny Bento box!!

because okayaka is famous for an old japanese foal tales MOMOTARO 8 the peachboy)
the lunch box is shaped like a peach!

we were so lucky to have a beautiful weather!

この歩くのが、超暑いんだけど トトロの世界にいるようですごい楽しかった!

景色が本当にきれい!! 空気もすんでて、暑いけど気持ちい!!

playing in a pool for about 2 hours, i got so tanned!! and we were so ready to take a shower, and ready for dinner!!!!!!!!!!


その名のとおり お部屋から見える景色は

Such a wonderful view!!!!!!!!!

Dinnerは洋食で So Delicious!!!!

部屋に戻ったらまだ 楽しみが残っていますー☆それはワイン風呂!アメニティーのシャンプーとかも超いいにおいで、アメニティコーナーでかりれる(無料)キャンドルとかをかなり使って超リラックスなバスタイム ママも大喜び、私も最高の気分でした♪
after the greatest dinner, we still saved our fun in our room!!!! which is......

of course for my mom and me it was the first time!!! it was so good!!! i felt "mottainai" to pout all the wine in the tub.. wanted to drink it! haha but it made our skin so smooth- and we felt so rich

お風呂がおわって、ラウンジにGO ラウンジは自由に入ってよくてDVDなんかもおいてあります☆私のねらいは 




住所 岡山県岡山市北区建部町田地子1569-24

アクセス 山陽自動車道岡山ICより車で30分、岡山空港より車で40分、JR津山線福渡・建部駅より車で10分。


送迎 送迎あり(条件あり)

パーキング 有り(無料)

欲求不満耐力 frustration tolerance

2010-08-06 | Things I look up to- Quotes

人間って不思議で 欲求不満が解決できないときは

☆ 代償
プールにいけない子どもが 庭で水遊びをする

☆ 補償

☆ 昇華


☆ 合理化
すっぱいぶどう  甘いレモン
手に入らないぶどうは 「そんなぶどう、すっぱいからいらない!」 といい
自分がもっているレモンは 「このレモン甘くておいしいんだよー」という

☆ 投射
実際には自分が相手を嫌っているが 「私はなんとも思ってないけどむこうが私を嫌ってる」と思い込んでいる

☆ 反動形成
他者に対する敵意を抑え 逆に親切にふるまう


☆ 退行
赤ちゃんがえり。 だまりこむ、など

☆ 逃避
○病気への逃避 (実際に病気がないのに症状が現れる場合もある)

☆ 知性化
自分の父親を憎んでいるときに それをそのまま話さずに

ハーロウ Harlow

2010-08-05 | Things I look up to- Quotes
相互の愛着関係を形成することは 乳児にとって 睡眠や 食欲などを同じ生命の維持にかかわる 生理的欲求である

To form "attachment" between a mother and a baby is the baby's physical desire as well as to sleep and to eat. It deals with maintining life!!

woody Allen ウディーアレン

2010-08-04 | Things I look up to- Quotes
“To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But then, one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer; not to love is to suffer; to suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love. To be happy, then, is to suffer, but suffering makes one unhappy. Therefore, to be happy, one must love or love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness.”

愛することは苦しむこと、苦しむことを避けること、それは人を愛さないこと。しかし、愛さないことで人はまた苦しむから 愛するということは、苦しむこと。 愛さないことも苦しむこと。 苦しむことは、苦しむこと。 幸せになるためには愛し、ということは幸せになるためには苦しむのだ。しかし、苦しむことで人は不幸になるから、幸せになるには愛することが必要だし、苦しむために愛し、そして幸せすぎて苦しむのだ。