Luli :> she is adobrale :>
This is "ASIAN BEAUTY" Dont you just loooooooove her little hat on her?? She looks so cute in it!!
Kay now is 3 yrs old so looks much more mature :))) She is "Multilingual" just like Luli in the other entry-as a ESL teacher it is so lucky to have friends who are multilingals because we can talk to each other about the challende, the discoveries, and joy of teaching one!!
This is a boy I met in a local nursery school in Taiwan. He was about 3 and although he was trying to talk to me a lot in Chinese, i couldnt understand of course, but anyways, i felt "wow, kids do the same thing all over the world" and "boy do really care about the size all over the world" It was really cute.
My friend's daughter Luli :)
She is just TOO adorable and her personality is as beautiful and bright as her look!
My friend's baby :)))))
Jayden- Isnt he like the cutest baby on earth?!
Happy Holidays
We went to a night market not the usual one but one close to J's place, and of course, we took a bike. yah, he drives and i just ride behind him
well day i saw something interesting on the street so i wanted to share the story here it is very common to see a person riding a bike, with one more, or two or sometimes three more people or kids. They need to wear helmet, and there are helmet shops everywhere,even for the little kids, there are cute helmets with cute pictures on, well there was this dad riding his bike with a little boy that looks about 5 year old behind him and he was asleep.
もちろん交通機関は近いのでバイク。 そう、二人乗り。
でも台湾をはじめ多くのアジアの国では便利なバイクの2人乗り、3人乗りは(笑) 当たり前な光景です。
I was really worried because he wasnt hanging on to him, i mean, is arms were down, usually when you ride behind someone you need to hug the rider from behind otherwise you will lose balance in this CRAZY Taiwan traffic.
I thoguht, " oh this dad doesnt realise he is asleep. if he speeds when the light turns green, this kid might be blown away and be aweful...
なんと子ども、お父さんの後ろにひっついたまま 寝てます。。
信号待ちだけど、もしこれスピード出して発車したら後ろにふっとんで大変なことになるんじゃ。。。。 って一人動揺する私
Jにも、「ちょっと、寝てますよ!って言ってあげたほうがいいんじゃない?お父さん気づいてないし!」 って言ったら
so i told J " hey should tell the daddy his boy is asleep so start slowly..."
and J says "I think its okay. he is used to it"
To my surprise...
when the light turned green
The kid WOKE UP RIGHT AWAY ( of course the father still has no idea that he was asleep) and HUGGED HIS DAD TIGHTLY AROUND HIS WAIST and they ran off.
「慣れてるんじゃない?」 っと一言・・・・
えー? でも 気づいたのに注意しなくて もし 子どもがもし道路に落ちたら
なんか私の不注意みたいになるし・・ ってココロの中で思ってるうちに
バイクが走り出すと 子どもは ぱっと起きて
危ないでしょ。 明らかに。
I was amazed.
Best models for photos are children, i think. When they smile! even if they dont smile, and have their back turned, sometimes you can take really good photo like this
タイ 小学校 Thailand Primary school
あつい国ではとりあえず 芝生にすわっちゃおう。
"Lets sit on the grass itll cool us down?"
シンガポール どっかの公園Singapore- some park
おでかけ 一人旅だってできちゃうわん
Let's go for a journy! I even have my own backpack.
Australia, on the train オーストラリア 電車
She is my friend's daughter- as young as she is, she probably knew i was coming from a different place, she showed great interest on many of the things i said, or japanese food i cooked! i hope it was a great experience for her. she is raised in many languages so i was surprised how quickly she masterd to pronunce japanese words. It also ends in vowels so it is normally hard t she did so good!! and she tried her first Japanese food!
おもろー顔コンテスト もちろん優勝は私
A funny face contest Of course I win.
タイ Thailand 保育所 Preschool
一番右の男の子 言葉の通じない私にたいしてとっても優しくて お水をくれたり、いすを用意してくれたり絵本をもってきてくれたり(あれ?用事と時間違いされてる?)そんな彼はきっと将来ジェントルマンです ここ男の子はみ優しい!日本の boysもみならってくださいね♪笑
Im studying for Color Coodinator Licence
NEW ZEALAND ニュージーランド 保育園 aday care
彼女のお母さんはとってもきさくな人で、ある日この子の髪型を私がふたつぐぐくりっしたら「家では私に絶対にかみをくくらせてくれないのに なんてかわいい髪形なの!」と絶賛。その日から毎日彼女は私んpところにとことこっとやってきてひざの上にすわります。
そこからほかの女の子も影響されて自分もやって!と髪型あそびが大流行になったのです★ ニュージーランドではみつあみとかおだんごみたいに日本のこどもにするような髪型をあまりしない。なんか結構適当でだいたいはそのままおろしてます。食べるときなんて髪の毛が顔にかかるのに・・・髪質も違うし。彼女の紙はストレートだったしいろいろできる髪型をやったところ大うけしたのでした