Formula of L.O.V.E  愛の法則

2011-04-26 | Most important- Education

I saw something very interesting on TV.

What does LOVE stand for?

This is what LOVE stands for, dedicated to.... unmarried couple

L- Listen   (listening to what your partner says)

O- Observe (Watch carefully what your partner and understand how he/she behave)

V-Value (Know and understand your partner's value)

E-Evaluate (Think to see if your relationship is working, if not, what is wrong?)


And, when you get married, there will be a small change.

L- Listen - this is same

O-Overlook ( close one eye and just accept your partner as he/she is instead of pointing out and complain what you dont like)

V-Voice (Talk to each other often and dont forget to give compliments on daily basis even for a small thing)

E-Effort (Once you are together, you should know that there might be a difficult time but you can try hard to make it work)



Vegetable Vegetable Vegetable

2011-04-17 | What makes me comfortable



This is the best restaurant I've been in a long time!!!! Mai and I go out for lunch or dinner, we TRY to do that every month but weve been busy and we hadnt done it for a long time... well, last night was a BLAST!

Their main thing is the Vegetable Nabe, and the Bagna Cauda which is like a dipping sauce- the best best best!!

service is really good they are real friendly, and most of all  everything you order there will catch your heart (or your stomach?) hehe it will not dissapoint you in any way. If you want to eat vegetables and try something different- you should def. go!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there are also different dishes like spanish dishes !! anyways everything is jus so good!


鍋は一人前で2人分なので他の料理も楽しめるんですよねー!alcohole のドリンク以外にスムージーとかジュースたくさんあて

最高なんです!! there are different types of drinks, nonalcoholuc drinks too, you cant find it anywhere else!!!fresh juice!!!

私たちの中のベストは・・・OUR FAVORITES!

1.桜鍋(桜の塩漬けのスープで蒸す鍋) Sakura Nabe (the soup base is made from salt pickled sakra flowers)

2.バーニャカウダ Bagna Cauda fresh and interesting row veges dipping in a sauce

3.ムーンポテト Moon Potatosー Garlic and anchovy flavor fried potatos!!! its so good!!


we already picked what we gonna order next time we go there! heee heee!




Vegitarian SUSHI やさい寿司

2011-04-16 | My work of art

CAN YOU GUESS what they are ?? これらの本物そっくりのおすしは何でつくられているでしょう?肉や魚ではないよ!

They are no fish or meat.




you can make a guess and leave a comment!!



Here are close-up pics!!

It was so delicious, and of course, very healthy!!!!!!!!!!!


野菜寿司、やさいすし、ベジタリアン、Vegitarian sushi, healthy sushi




JAPAN cherry blossoms!!!!!! hanami! 花見!

2011-04-15 | My roots

I took my granma to the TSURUMI RYOKUCHI park 鶴見緑地公園 in Osaka which is only about 20-25 min. away from

Osaka station.

 Hanami  (pinic under the cherry blossom trees)





It was a beautiful day, so we decided to meet at Noon and spend all day together

My granma is over 80 years old but she is very good in health (although she has a pace maker inplated in her heart so she has trouble breathing sometimes) and pretty happy.

we talked about different things over lunch and we headed to the park- @ this park, flower expo was held back in 1990 and she kept talking about her memories of the expo how crawded it was, and we found out that the park was almost empty since it was just a regular week day. We saw some young people or families but it was sooo quiet!

We walked around a lot and took a lot of pictures, granma tried taking my pictures but she gave up after one or two. ( she recently got a mobile phone which she complains every time she uses it- "its so sad to be too convinient")

anyways, we took this bench and just sat around and watched the sakura... it was such a beautiful time!!

Then we met this BEAUTIFUL dog

BOSTON TERRIER!!!!! I used to take care of this kind of dog with my host sister danielle back in Indiana, and so every time i see Boston here in JAPAN, i ALWAYS talk to the owners, no matter what. hahaha

and sine there arent so many of them they normally appriciate my interest in their dogs and we talk about their personalities and stuff   his name was JOY and he was such a cute dog, he posed for me when I said "joy, look at me!!"

well, since my granma has "disabled certificate" she can get into the places for free or less charge like public transportation, museums, movies, and all that, and luckily? I also can get discount @  a lot of places when im with her as i am her "helper".

So normally, they charge us 500yen for adult @ the "sakuya konohana Museum"


And i saw a LOT of interesting flowers and plants!!

banana trees!


Orange hibiscus

Can you guess the name of this tree?       " Bottle tree"


cottons on trees! they let me touch them and it was soooooooooo soft. very different texture from

the cottons you get from the stores!!! they said that these are mainly used for stuffings like pillows and cusions!! it was soooo fluffy and soft!!!


Itwas a great day







Crab cream sauce spaghetti かにクリームソーススパゲッティー 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!

2011-04-10 | My work of art


what you need ★

★かにみそ、かにかま、きのこ、スパゲッティー、牛乳、バター、オリーブオイル、トマト缶  にんにく、塩 パセリか青じそ 白ワイン

Crab butter, crab meat (fake one is okay), any kind of mushroom, spaghetti, milk, butter, olive oil, garlic, salt    Canned chopped tomato percely or aojiso for topping white wine

1. Cook Spaghetti. If the estimated cook time says 7 min, boil only for 5min. always substract 2 min from the instructed time otherwise it will be overcooked. use a big pot to boil and add 3 table sp of slat when boiling

パスタは表示時間から2分ひいた分数ゆでる 大目の水で塩はおおさじ3くらいいれてもいい

2.Heat olive oil and gralic in a skillet, stir in canned tomatos and mushroom.


3.add butter, crab butter, 1cup of milk and stir -  add little bit of white wine and cook for less than one minute.check the taste and add salt or pepper if needed


4.add cooked pasta in and stir once, quickly decorate on a plate.


5.on top of the spaghetti, put crab meat and aojiso. it looks beautiful with the color contrast.




桜 Cherry Blossom

2011-04-09 | My roots


JAPAN=Beautiful in Spring=Cherry Blossom!!!!!!!!!

I went to teach a a day care today, and even made it to the library to study for good 2hours ;>Around the library there are a lot of cherry blossom trees and it was just so beautiful!!!!


This is when I arrived ( around 430pm, still bright outside)

sakura day


And this is when i left the lirbary ( before 7pm-dark, but very pretty with the outside light lighting the sakuras)

beautiful  yozakura

me with First sakura this year

Its gonna be so nice to bring my degital camera with me every time i go out!!!!

こどもと偏見   kids and prejudice

2011-04-09 | What interests me

小さい子供って かわいい でしょ。

Kids are... so cute.  yah especially the little ones. of course, everyone thinks so, right?



actually... kids can be very mean and cruel



For example "bullying" is something that can happen to anyone, anywhere. Schools, daycares, afterschool, childrens hospitals, any extra curricular activities.


Some say, "that kid is weired enough to be bullied" but i dont agree with it. However the kid is, noone should bully to an extreme level. at first, it might be just picking on and calling names but it will lead to kicking punching, hiding stuff, and making him to do things that, caregivers must notice.

最初は悪口を言われたり笑われたり かもしれない。でもどんどんとエスカレートしていくと


子供って  this is my words.....little kids have these following characteristics...


They will say out loud what they think or how they feel without second thoughts.


They want to get attention therefore they dont like other people gettting more attention than themselves.


Kids want other people's stuff - easy to get jelous(toys, books, clothes, school supplies etc)


Ive seen a lot of childrens fights and conflicts in different workplaces and i sorted the childrens type into three.


kids who are easily get picked on- cry so easily. so quiet and shy, stands out physically. looks different.


kids who always pick on someone- bossy, strong personality, very clear what they want, aggressive,easy to be jelous of others

③どっちでもない子 (それにかかわることも無視することもない。)

kids who are aware of what is going on, but they are not in it, so they are not going to get into it.

がいるなぁって考えた。 私は子供の頃 あきらかにタイプ① だった。 

i was def. type1 child, i was being picked on by some of the strong charactors in school.

目立つこともないし、きわめてなにかが遅いわけでもない、逆にスポーツに関しては走るのとか鉄棒も得意だし、YESNOも案外はっきりはしてた。 だけど、小学校低学年の時はこの平和な性格がタイプ②をいらいらさせていたのか

but actually my charactoristics never fit No.1 category- i always knew what i wanted, i wasnt quiet or shy, but i know i was very slow and immature. when people are playing with video games i was still interested in playing with dolls, i was the last one in class to know about the St. Nick fact, i believed a lot of things that kids didnt anymore, i wore a cartoon charactor clothes to school and my friends made fun of me a lot....and got very bad grade in math and science because i had NO IDEA what was going on. but i loved school. somehow. loved playing, loved the school lunch, and a teacher.


それは、彼らは常に「目立つ」存在で いじめられっこ、いじめるこ両方の予備軍だ笑

私の意見の中では「いじめ」自体はいいことではないから否定はできないけど、その経験自体は学校生活、社会生活をしていくなかできっと起こりえるもので そしてそれを通して学ぶことがたくさんあると思うし本人同士がぶつかりあって結果的にどうなるかっていう経験はとっても大切な経験だと思う。

I have taught or met a lot of kids that have different background- Japan and another country and especially when their physical appearance is obviously non-asian, they stand out and automatically become

possibilities of "bullies" or "victimes" ....


でも、②,3歳の幼児によってはその「違い」もあいまいで あまり他人と自分との何かの違いがはっきりしていない。


Understanding and accepting who is different seems kind of difficult to people, but for 2, 3 year old that "difference" is not so clear yet because they havent quiet figured out who "they" are. When they start their school it is about time that they established a basic things of themself like "what they like" or "what they are interested in" - so that is why friends have a great effect, what kind of friends they will make, and what they will talk about, what they will do?





afterall i was..... not aware of the "difference" or the "weiredness" of a "special" child in a class as everyone else would pick on.....or something. I was slower, and less capable of doing many things compared to my classmates, but i didnt understand why those things were to be done or what for, and if i dont know what for, it didnt make me sad or stupid not being able to do as everyone else. Because it wasnt important to me.

but i loved school. what a peaceful child.


As I teach, i come across a situation where a kid picks on another kid.

It makes me wanna solve the problem for them right at that moment, but all i do is to have them talk to each other and also letting them know the expectations- such as be kind to others, and speak out how you feel.

私は日常子供たちに保育教育に関わり、そういう状況にしょっちゅうでくわす。みんながみんな優しくてなんの競争もない世の中なら平和なのかもしれないけど、そういうわけにもいかず、相変わらず物静かで何も意見を言わなければおいていかれ、ときにはからかわれることもある。そういうとき先生としては「いますぐやめなさい」と注意をして物事をすべて解決させたいと思うがそれは子供たち同士の問題で先生は、何ができるかというとそこにいて、状況をしっかりと把握して、子供たち同士がしっかりと話せる機会を持たせることだと思う。 もちろん悪い言葉やひどい言葉を言う子に対してそれらの言葉や行動が人を傷つけるから、してはいけないことだとか、ずっとだまって何もいえない子に対しても、勇気を出して助けを求めるなり、相手に言い返すなり立ち去るなり、自分で困難に出会ったらどう問題解決すればいいか、など一緒に考えてあげたり、そういうことぐらいなんだと私は思う。

ケースによって 誰が悪いとか 誰がかわいそうとか


それはやっぱり自分は彼らの人生にかなりかかわっている身としてできるだけ「対話」の中でguide していくことが自分のなかの目標です。

I want to teach all my kids problem solving, noone will solve the problem for them, if they face any difficulties in life there are ways to get through but they need courage, and need to be strong.  i can never be strong for them, but can teach and guide them how to be a little stronger and break the shell, once they are less scared to make a change, i believe they can solve any problems in life and hopefully i can teach kids in daily lessons by talkin to them sesiously. even if they dont understand it right away, i will just keep talking to them until one day they will realize what i mean. At the end of the day, everyone should be happy and think," it was a good day today."








SMILE CANDY PROJECT <UPDTAE> <スマイルキャンディープロジェクト>更新

2011-04-05 | What's happening around the world

Hello :>>

Its been a while. こんにちは。 お久しぶりです。

I have been busy and lazy. Not just busy, not just lazy, but both. 忙しかったのとさぼってたのと両方です。

well, guess how many candies have i collected so far? 今、キャンディー何個集まったと思います?


Each has different smiles, heart, sun, rainbow, and warm messages!




It started from one candy- my little idea became a big project!! 私の「小さな」アイデアが膨らんでこんなに大きなプロジェクトとして動いてくれてめちゃめちゃ感激です。 im so glad that everyone has been

supporting and thinking of the victims of the earthquake. みんな地震津波のことを考えて書いてくれました

most of all, i really want the children to know the situation and have the opportunity to think about what it is like to have nothing, or very little around them since they are so fortunate.こういうことを機会に子供たちには危機管理や今もっているものえの感謝の気持ちなど、学んでいってほしいと願っています。

Drawn by a student's mom  " Rainbow will appear after the rain. I hope you will see it soon, we love you"

I think the children i have been teaching to, had an opportunity to learn about it a little, so Im glad.少なくとも私が話をした生徒たちは、少しでもその機会があったと思うのでうれしく思いますl

Im still waiting for my mail to arrive from oversea, and then my package will be complete for the project. 海外から参加してくれている友達からのパッケージが届いたら全てのキャンディーを一緒にして送る日が決まったらまたここにのせます。

i will post it here when i decide the date to deliver them!!!!!

All kinds of people at different age, men and women, children and seniors, and different nationalities have participated in this!!! thanx!!!




Drawn by one of the parent.  cute smile!