色々と戦う。 Fighting with stuff

2010-12-22 | Things I look up to- Quotes
I hadn't written my blog for over a week, because I got sick!!!
I was in bed for more than 3 days, even after i got back to work I was still sick and my body was suffering from pain. it started from noro virus but it wasn't as bad symptoms as everyone else talks about- i just had my stomach ache which is such an annoying pain- Very uncomfortable, its almost like you are hungry all the time.
so you wanna eat something, but even if you eat something, you arent sartisfield of happy, you still have that uncomfortable feeling inside... so you stop eating, and lay down, then feels a bit better.
I had been checking my weight every day and i had lost 3kg since November 11th. So its about 5 weeks :>
Being healthy doesnt mean lose weight and be skinny- but i really wanna be comfortable about myself, and it feels night to see my belly not sticking out or pants getting a little losse on my thigh!!!
So im hoping i will lose 3 more in a nother 5 weeks-! That would be so so so awesome!

i never thanked this much for "UDON"- which i was sick I couldnt really eat anything BUT Udon....
especially Kitsune Udon (kitsune means FOX but it is really a Fried Tofu with sweet soy sauce taste).

I really hate to be sick ( who doesnt?) Even though I got sick many times and i kow pretty much how to handle when you are sick... but i guess as you get older, thats the worst thing you can get- any virus you get in your body must come out of your body somehow!! So it takes time to release it , so you need good rest and Vitamins, and other nutrients...

OK, enough about medical talk today. Im going to bed! GOOD NIGHT!

MyBento!! お弁当★

2010-12-11 | My work of art

in PINK box- Soup of the day :> Clamchowder 本日のスープ クラムチャウダー
in BLUE box- Steamed Sweet potatos and fried pork with peppers さつまいも、豚とピーマンいため
in GREEN box- Rice,ごはん Satumaage no Tamagoyaki さつまあげたまごやき(fried Eggs) Mizuna水菜 (like spinich), Daikon(radish)おでん大根 a slice of Salami, サラミ Broccolli ブロッコリー

Italian Veggies. イタリアン野菜 (おつまみ)

2010-12-10 | My work of art
I just named it myself....
Italian Veggis, just because i have Red pepper (papurica in Japanese) in it, and i have seen colorful veggies in Itaian cuisin.

What you need 作り方  絶対にワインとかお酒でもあうよ!

olive oil オリーブオイル、 broccolli ブロッコリー cherry tomatos みにとまと green pappers, red peppers, ピーマン赤ピーマン green beans サンド豆 garlic にんにく

オリーブオイルを熱して にんにくをあっためる
heat the olive oil and cook sliced garlic

boil all the veggis except cherry tomatos for about 1 min.(salt)
先に野菜は火を通す (トマトはしない)

put all the veggies in a pan and fry about 3 min. salt, pepper and its done!

Sweet Potato Cake さつまいもケーキ

2010-12-08 | My work of art



What you need

Sweet Potato ( Of course!!) 1

Pancake Mix (200g)

1 egg

Milk (80ml)

Butter (little)



and..... I ADDED CEREAL with Berries and NUTS :)


さつまいも1、ホットケーキミックス1袋(200G) たまご1 牛乳 80ml バター少々 ラム酒 少々 はちみつ少々


1. Peel and cut the sweet potatos さつまいもの皮をむいて小さく刻む

2.pour  a little bit of water and put a plastic wrap, microwave it for 10 minutes. 水を少し加えてラップをして電子レンジで10分チン

3.Smash it with fork, add butter and 30ml of milk. 

フォークでやわらかくしてバターと牛乳30ml を加える

4. in a different bowl, mix an egg, pancake mix (200g), milk (50g) and honey.

違うボールに たまご、ホットケーキミックス200g、牛乳50g とはちみつを加えてよく混ぜる 

5 Add the smashed potatos in here. つぶしたポテトを4にいれる


6.Pour it into a baking pan. Preheat oven 180C and bake it for 30 min.





7.After 30 minutes it should look like this!!



8. Slice it and serve it with ur favorite drink!! お好きなドリンクと一緒にどうぞ


Chinese Proficiency Test! 中国語検定

2010-12-08 | Most important- Education


来年 中国語検定3級というのを受けようと思う★


頑張ってみる。 台湾の中国語には慣れてるけどこの試験は中国の漢字で少し私には難しいけどー

i ll do my best!!!!!!!

I have decided to take "Chinese proficiency test! (ONLY in JAPAN)  next year- so I took a sample test today for grade 4, (grade 1 being the best- 4 is like beginners level)

for each section i got different score but

scrambling the word to a correct grammer sentence, i got 70% right-:)

test is here(free, no need to sign in)

サンプルテスト受けれます↓ 3級2級もあるよ!






What's better than ODEN in winter?

2010-12-07 | My work of art

The week of Oden has started!

Its when we cook Oden at the beginning of the week, and later in the week we just keep adding new items (meat, vegis, tofu, fish ballls and so on) and try with different sauces, spices, whatever we want. saves energy, washing dishes, money, and its so delicious. I know in Taiwanese oden they put Instant noodle and i really loved that about taiwanese oden, so im thinking maybe tomorrow my oden should be a bit Taiwan style, add some spicy paste and hmmm yum yum!

Winter food :)

2010-12-07 | My work of art


Squid with Daikon (japanese radish)

Very.. easy!    all you need-  Squid (cut it in rings like shown in the pic)

Daikon, soy sauce, sake, dashi(vegi stock ok) or katsuo flake

just cookeverything together until soft :>


模様替え★ Cleaness★★

2010-12-06 | What makes me comfortable

Im trying to rearrange my room :>

There are so many stuffs everywehere, and I just wanna make my room look more neat and simple.

To do that, i need......

to get rid of my stuff.... So i did.


on my desk...

my laptop, webcam, a flower pot, two little animals and snowmen.

and dontforget my dreamcatcher :> it was a ift from my mom in america.

Now Im cleaning out my closet.... how can i get rid of more stuff? I already threw away one big trash bag.

模様替えは大変;; でも、気分も部屋もすっきりさせたいので

毎日少しずつがんばりますー★ とりあえずデスクはきれいになったよ。