Water fun !!

2011-02-28 | KODOMO

Luli :> she is adobrale :>

Pork and beansprouts fry (prep.10min.Deep Fry 3min.) もやしの豚肉巻き (DEEP FRIED) 揚物

2011-02-28 | My work of art

My mom found a receipe on the internet and she begged me to make this!!! (Her schedule is much tighter than mine so i normally do the cooking )

もやしの豚肉まき    pork moyashi            moyashi- beansprouts

what you need:for two people 2人用の材料

thin sliced pork- about 10 slices    豚肉薄切り 10枚 もし ロースでも、なんでもOK 私は油の少ないしゃぶしゃぶ用を使った。

MOYASHI or Beansprouts  -1bag   もやし一袋

To add flavor, prepare Aojiso or Basil leaf  香り付けにバジルまたは青じそ

fresh ginger しょうが 少々

FOR Deep FrY coat batter 衣を作る。

MIX  water, DASHI(fish flake, if not mushroom powder or chicken stock, any kind of flavored stock), and flour 100g

粉だし少々 水少々 小麦粉100g を混ぜる。(加減を見ながら衣をつくる。)

oil for deep frying  揚げ油


MIX these stuff first.

MISO- soybean paste (1 spoon) 味噌 少々

MAYO (1 spoon)マヨネーズ 少々

UMEBOSHI -2 梅干 2こ smash them つぶす


How to make ...

1.(prepation)lay out thin sliced pork and paste the sauce with a spoon on the surface. 


2.grab a good amount of moyashi and put them on the pork. when you do this, you should try to hold the moyashi together so it wont come out of the pork when you roll it. YOU can add ginger or basil here, if you like to make a different flavors. also, add smashed ume. its really yum.


つぶした梅や青じそ しょうがを載せてもおいしいよ!

3.Carefully roll the pork. ゆっくりとその豚肉をくるくるする。

4.sprinkle flour on every rolled pork you made. まきまきした豚肉に小麦粉を少しまぶす。

5.coat the pork in the batter. dont overcook it because the moyashi will be too soft, it wont taste too good. its about 3-4 min fry time.

その豚肉を、衣につけて、熱した油の中であげる。しゃきしゃき触感を残すために 豚肉に火が通った時点であげてOK


ALL DONE! できあがり。




Christchurch earthquake

2011-02-28 | What's happening around the world

When i see news regarding to earthquakes, my experience is recalled as if it happend yesterday. I lost my classmate when i was in 6th grade my family lost home. I attended my graduation ceremony in a temporary built tent when hanshin earthquake happend back in 1995.

I had homestayed in a warm family's home in Auckland, New Zealand which is far from Christchurch, but when i heard the news I was really shocked and worried about the family and friends in NZ.

When I posted "Are you okay?" on Facebook my Hostfather from NZ quickly responded

"Family is okay" so i was relieved. I know that the rescue teams are continuing with their search but more time passed .... darker it gets.. i know the feeling...... Back in 1995, we didnt use Internet at all and for some, it was a long time to find out if their family and friends are okay or not.

Many Japanese students went to NZ to study English and so the news is busy talking about whether those JP students are alive or not- the ones who survived are busy getting interviews everyday, some of the questions just hurt their feelings and mine also.

"How do you feel that you are survived in this situation? your classmates are still under the ground..."

when the interviwer said that, the girl(19) broke down and said "what? you said they are still ...? they are from my school, for sure?"    she cried and cried and said "why did I deserve to survive? why only me? why not my friends?"

Some parents arrived in NZ with their face so sad and worried, but they were told not to go near the area where the collaspaed buildings were because they might have afterquakes....   AND the interview continues... "Now that you are arrived here, how do you feel?" "Are you heading to the area now??" One of the survivor's father was asked his feeling and he answered "I'm confused right now. Everyone else has not yet been discovered and I cannot feel HAPPY honestly." ----- He seemed very uncomfortable answering the interview when other parents are passing by in the background... if these people had the time to ask this stupid questions, they should do something else.... In the newspapers they are talking about the students as if they were already the people in the past, their photos, names,hometowns, majors, interests and dreams!?... it makes me very angry.   i have experienced KOBE, and i KNOW the people who survived after many many hours too, we must not throw away hopes.

I want the media to have a little bit more common sence and not hurt the survivor's or family's feeling. They have already been hurt enough.


"My baby won't sleep!"

2011-02-20 | Most important- Education

I was watching super nanny on youtube- i used to watch this show all the time in US and now i watch it on youtube- i really wish there was a japanese translation or they will put it on jp TV but unfortunetely they dont have it. There are some tequnics that JO uses that really applies to even the behaviors in the classrooms.

She always metions "Routine and daily schedule has to be consistant"

that is very very important even in the classroom. Everytime we give a lesson, we try to have the same routine although often times it gets disturbed by students, but we try out best to have the consistancy so that the kids will automatically realize that it is time to do whatever.

one of my friend from college was going through a hard time about her baby son won't take a nap, and I had emailed her some techniques that i saw in the day care i used to work and  i thougt she could use it-

 1. Its better to always have a nap time in the same routine- for example, in the day care we would always talk to the babies "its nap time" or "lets go to bed" around the same time, and put the soothing music. the babies know that when this happens, they have no choice but to go to bed. at first they might try us by fussing and screaming but after a while they kinda give up and it becomes their routine.

2. It's good to have some kind of activity or play in the morning- at the day care we have circle time when we all sing some nursery rhymes, and outdoor play when we play with bubbles, or simply being carried and walked just around the corner. so they have fun playing and it also make them a little bit tired- of course when the baby is so small you cant play outside for long, but it doesnt mean you cannot take them to play at all :) even inside the house there are lots of ways to interact with babies, and when you have that happy connection, its very nice for both caretaker and a baby (i used to teach jP songs to kids in Nw zealand and they loved it)

3. Nursing room-- must be dark and quiet- but SHOULD NOT BE COLD!!!!!!! allow it to be comfortable place with baby's favorite cuddly or dummy- but dont put too many stuff that can distract babys attention from sleeping!! when the room is cold babies cannot sleep well, it should be kinda warm :) although if it gets too warm they might wake up easily, but anyways babies sleep is alreas REM sleep, which means they wake up pretty often. they will have light sleep and deep sleep repeatedly, so it is pretty normal for babies to wake up often, but when being put on routine, they will slowly get used to it- until we get the hang of the baby's personal time, just have to hang in there--


Most concerns and stories i see on yahoo chiebukuro (its like and ppl leave questions and others anser) i really feel the difference between the american way of putting the kids to sleep and japanese is way different. first, most American (western) houses have "nursing room" where a baby can be alone, but most japanese houses, because of the size, but also many moms will do "soine" 添い寝 which means to sleep naxt to the baby- and sometimes the baby will sleep between mommy and daddy on the futon on the floor. So i could say jp parents are physically closer to the baby and take more time and attention in as far as the bed time routine where as American parents will once walk away from the room with a waki talki and go to the nursing room to check every once in a while, or when the baby cry. ---- I think personally i dont wanna have to share the seeping room with my husband and a baby.... but who knows, i was raised by this way so

   It is effective in a way- 1. kids will experience more skinship and feel secured, and parents can make sure that they are safe.

2. mom can nurse the baby and as the baby falls asleep she doesnt have to move the baby, just continue sleeping.

and i believe there are more, but also this might break the privacy for mom and dad, and dad might feel pretty.... left alone  if every dad is helpful and good at taking care of the babies- its great but they might also feel scared to sleep next to a tiny baby they might not be able to sleep. "i dont wanna smash the baby!"]


anyways, i feel grateful that being bilungual brings me benefit of getting information on this matter in both languages-!! it gives me more opportunities to learn and thats what it makes child development study more interesting!!!!




Lesson [Feelings] Activity

2011-02-18 | My Lesson Plans

what you need (for 4 players)

★color balls       ★2sets of 10 "feeling"flashcards(printed out paper better)     2 cups     ★ 2 basket (or box)

★2 big spoon for cooking (or something you can scoop the ball with)  ★tape

purpose* To learn and review the feeling words, and practice greeting "how are you?" and answering to it- I came up with this game because recently I realized some kids are not responding to "how are you?", I wanted to make sure that they understand this is proably most commonly used greetings and there are different ways to answer other than "im fine".

Preparation- tape the feeling cards on the color ball.

How to win this game-- whoever got the most balls.

1. Go over the feeling cards with the kids.

2.Have them practice the facial expression.

3. Pair up to make two teams.

4. Set two basket in one corner of the room and have one kid for each team stand in front of the basket.

5. in the other corner of the room, spread the balls with the cards along with the balls with no cards (just to distract)

6.ready set, go and one person form a team go get the ball with a cup and spoon. they must not touch the ball with their hands.

7. carefully come back to partner.

8. Basket person asks "HOW are you?"

9. ball person acts out the feeling. (dont say the word!)

10.basket person says " are you..?" if its right, drop the ball in the basket, and now the baskte person becomes the ball person and the ball person stays with the basket to wait for him to come back! and the game goes on.


Kids loves this game and we ended up playing three times! hahaha crazy!


Shrimp Mango Salad

2011-02-17 | My work of art

you need ...


えび マンゴー 冷凍OK  レタス半分 たまねぎ4分の1 スライスチーズ3枚

ヨーグルト マヨネーズ (おおさじ3杯ずつ) タイム ナツメグ こしょう オレガノ パセリ


Shrimps, Mango (both frozen ok) and half lettuce, 1/4 onion (chopped), some cheese (any kind)


For Dressing, Yogurt, Mayo, Italian seasoning mix preffered, if u dont have it,

use parcely, Oregano, Thyme, nutmeg, black pepper.


SHRIMP...high protein low calory= GREAT FRIEND for healthy diet

MANGO... high in Vitamin A which prevents cancer!! Good for eyes, then even helps the fetus grow nicely.

I will put a picture here, so i can skip the direction!!!!

Its salad!!! come on, you can do it! just mix everything! oh, by the way, you can either boil or fry the shrimps. whichever you like. If you are trying to be healthier, try boiling.

ONLY thing you need to be careful when you make a salad......

wash the lettuce, and rinse it, make sure you drain the water off the veges you washed. When there is too much water, it can make everything else soggy and it just ruins it!

TIPS* u should salt the shrimp :>

Add any type of green herby things on top like... green onions or

shiso leaf, thin sliced spinich, percely, sprout etc... to add a bit color






レタス、マンゴ、チーズ、ねぎ の順でのせてってDressingかけて終わり♪


Naraguru ( A day trip to Nara) LUCKY GARDEN ラッキーガーデン奈良

2011-02-12 | What interests me


It was such a nice day..... SO MUCH SNOW!!!!!!!!!

When i woke up I saw everything white.. and when we got to Nara... it was even whiter!!! It was absolutely beautiful!!

We had three goals for this day trip to Nara. 今回の旅のゴールは3つ。

1. Have lunch @ "Lucky Garden" in the woods.


2. Take some awesome photos of landscapes.


3. Meet people and find out whats interesting in Nara.


and we did that successfully, all three of them.

Lunch @ Lucky Garden was abosolutely amazing. It is a Sri Lankan restaurant- we ordered 2500yen lunch combo that comes with appetizer(shrimp, purple carrot!!!, and roasted pork) Sri Lanka Currry, yellow rice (awesome!) fruite salad, and Tea with cake.

( They have 1600yen course and 2500yen course. )


After we enjoyed our meal, the owner came and said to us "The kids are playing snow fight with another customers in the back, and there are sheep  so please come and join us if you like."


So we come out.... and this girl about 7 r 8 yrs old... she suddenly throws snow @ us!!!!!!! so, we...... throw back !!!!! and the snow fighting began. we played for good 20 min or so, the owners, Sri Lankan chef, another customers......  and it was so funny the sheep were looking @ us like

"ahh, human. they just cant grow up. they get all excited for stupid snow fighting... again!"


The landscape was GREAAAAT especially with beautiful snow, and had a good conversation with the Sri Lankan chef with the biggest smile who has lived in Japan for 7 yrs :) he said he misses his family very much but also enjoyes the life here in Nara. The restaurant even takes an anual trip to Sri Lanka with some of the customers!!! How awesome!



  If you wanna eat here without waiting....please make a reservation.

 ★絶対予約した方がいいです★   0743-77-7936      

              〒630-0237 奈良県生駒市鬼取町168





〒630-0237 奈良県生駒市鬼取町168

LESSON [Verbs+Nouns] "I have a little Robot" puppet show

2011-02-08 | My Lesson Plans

what you need

construction Papers, scissors, markers, Chopsticks or pencils(for the puppet holder)

1.on a small piece of paper, draw a picture of the things below (red words) and tape a stick so you can hold it up

2. Learn the chants. hold up your card when you say your word.

3. Perform and have fun :)


I have a little robot.

The smartest I've ever seen.

He makes me a drink and bakes some bread.

He washes the dishes cleans my house.

He sits by the fire and dances all night!




2011-02-04 | What interests me

The other day, kids and i were talking about favorite food during snack time.

then i asked one girl " what is your favorite food?" and guess what she said.


i said "Grains? like in cereals?"


she goes "Yah, or in bars, or in bread, ... i love grains." she is only 5 years old!!! She is a very well behaved bright little girl, i have so much fun talking to her everytime. I feel like... i teach her things in class and she even teachs me more in free time.

and a 7 year old boy came into our conversation and said "what is grains again?"

and I explained what it was and he said "ahhh! i know, its in granora bars." (its a name of a product.)

i always thought those were the food that kids hated but had to have because their parents made them to eat....

the boy said " i dont really like that."

i said "well you know, healthy food always taste HEALTHY.... unlike... UNHEALHY food always taste sooooooooo good.... like..... Macdonals....!!!"

And we all wanted to go to Macdonalds all afternoon.... because of me.... but i learned that i CAN raise a child to like healthy food by guiding them right.










