Seperation, New meeting, Reuniting

2011-07-23 | What's happening around the world

So, not too long ago, just in the middle of June, I had a sad seperation with someone but because of that i could appriciate the support and the love from friends who care. I think, there are so many seperation and meeting in life and it repeats.

Once I had to get over someone and i could say it took me about 3 yrs to completely get over that person, but this time it wasnt like that.. I was back on track, doing my thing, keep reminding myself the purporse of life (Happiness for kids, and better education for the  future =my happiness!)

My friends have been really supportive, and i luv that. thats what friends are for. Im a "happy" and "positive"person no matter what happens. So even though it was a bad breakup, its not my intention to complain or critisize his behavior or actions. I actually do wish everyone in this world happiness. there was a part of me that wants me  to just let it all out and critisize how terrible it is... and be all negative...  

because my friends did just listen to my feelings and told me

"its ok to miss him" "dont worry you will meet someone new!"

"I understand your feeling, because you love him , you dont realize whats wrong in the relationship. i know it, and ihate it!!"

or simply... "how are you doing? how are you feeling?" rather than  "tell me everything, what happened?"




End of rainy season=Summer

2011-07-09 | What interests me

The Weather department has announced that yesterday was an official end of rainy season=summer is ON.

ahhhhhh, I like summer more than winter but its toooooooooo hot these days. This year end of the rainy season announcement was 10 days early, that means earlier summer, or maybe longer summer because of global warming? who knows.

but what I DO know is that the gardening i started about a month ago is really working. Growing too fast that i almost dont know what to do. when i looked up on the internet, it says i can expect the mini tomatos ready to be picked almost at the same time but my minitomatos are ready one by one.every three days i can pick one mini tomatos, which is like nothing... haha. i cant cook anything with only one mini tomatos. then i found out that i have to use a pole to support the stem about 130cm.... ok, i see. i just made a pole out of a chopstick and its about 20cm. lol so this afternoon i have to go to DAISO and buy some of my gardening stuffs...

Other than that i have done some new cooking recently since ive been working in a hotel restaurant twice a week now, i have learnt some oven recipe and now i realize how easy and quick (well, the preparation is. baking is long) it is.

Every park day and outside play now at the preschool and the afterschool care I work is now official water activiy SO i get sooooooooooooo tired and warn out on the train going home. yah, Im like dead probably leaning over to one of the salaryman's shoulder... haha. sorry!

Although the temprature goes up to 35 and so almost everyday, the whole Japan is in a "save electricity" mood of course, because of the electiricity shortage which was caused by the nuclear power plant accident. "Today's electiricuty usage persentage" and "Tomorrow's excpected electiricity usage" are on YAHOO JAPAN top page so every user can check that out. At the beginning of March and just after , it was only the KANTO area goverment was putting the pressure on, but after June or so it became all oveJapan.

I pretty my KNEW this was going to happen, i mean all over Japan will suffer from electricity shortage, and to solve this every person, indivisual will know thwfact and need to just think aond consider about everyday life. just take a second to think, would even save electricity. useing the staris instead of elevator, fix salad or cold noodle for dinner instead of using the oven, or electronic kitchen devices, go to bed early, those are the things I addressed on my Youtube Video on March 12th (which is only one day after the earthquake happened, and even a lot BEFORE the nuclear power accident detail was announced on TV) then io received warm comments such as "im saving electricity" or "great video" at the same time i also received some mean comments like "ugly!!" which has nothing to do with the video content, so i deleted it, and disagreement on the "saving power". I wrote my replies to every single comment because I want to understand those people who disagree rather than just ignoring or denying. one of the people said that the "planned blackout" which jp goverment conducted earlier April is their "strategy" to brainstorm the national to be convinced that we need the nuclear power to survive rather than coming up with the other power source like water, solar, and so on.  i think he has a point, but probably he got my point of the video, wrong.

All i was saying was the tips to save electricity, which can lead to economizing the electricity bills too, so its not just for this time. i have always tried to do that sometime to be eco friendly and wallet friendly :>> but anyways, as a survivor of HANSHIN earthquake, i dont want TOHOKU people to feel the pain by themselves, we can share the pain and corporate together. Of course i know that there will be a bad effect on many business, but so many people are paying attention to this activity and people will have good impression on those companies.


someone has to do something, so why dont all of us do little by little?