HOME ENGLiSH :) おうちえいご sept.1st

2010-09-05 | Most important- Education
On Septmber 1st

I opend my after school english class :)
4:00-5:30 (including snack)

letter recognition- "listen" to the sound of an alphabet and complete the puzzle!!
It is her first time to learn ABCs on that day, she did so good!!!

7 years old, Yaya

6 year old, Taz
he loves numbers!!! He is matching the numbers and colors!!
later on we played "card janken" which is when we put out a card form your hand, and the person with the biggest number wins, and whoever has the most card will be the winner-!! (but since little brother is fat better at this game than sister, Yaya told me " i dont wanna do this anymore, its boring!" and got mad. haha, so i cleaned everything up. and let a brother do some number game on the computer, and let yaya play the piano. i taught her the chord C today :)

Materials for the day!!
we played with baloons also, and they enjoyed writing theletters on their "own" board :)
Homework folder is for them to file worksheets done in class and letters to parents, and some worksheet to take home :)
