Tooth Tooth SANNOMIYA, Kobe

2010-09-15 | What makes me comfortable
i met my friend from college for lunch :)
I picked the restaurant- ive wanted to go there for a long time but somehow i never had been!!!

The place was really nice, they have a garden outside of the glass window, you can look out and it gives you the comfortable feeling - big space!!
our favorite was freshed baked bread, all different kind- then they also have different kind of oil and seasonings for the bread :) plus, its ALL YOU CAN EAT!

for lunch combo you can choose the main dish, i got a grilled chicken
it was soooooooooooo yum yum!!

i liked everything about the restaurant, and i will definitly go back there!!

here is the salad they offered, and it was sooooo great!

The magic of "just olive oil and vinegar" is amazing, whenever i do that at home, it never works like one in restaurant. is that the quality of olive oil!?

i dont know....

5 minutes from Sannomiya station, 11th floor of KOKUSAI KAIKAN (there is starbucks underground)


2 コメント

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Unknown (émily)
2010-09-15 18:18:25
Whaaou! I wish I can present my recipe like that, it's beautiful.
Hi emily!! (DAZU)
2010-09-16 00:35:33
Thanx fo ur comment, yah-! i wish i could too!!!!! today i tried making "vineger and oil" salad dressing for lunch, it was okay, but not as good as the restaurant!!!!!!