
2010-09-18 | Most important- Education
I believe learning doesnt have an end.
you must study all the time in order to keep your memory, and gain knowledge!!
not only that, when you keep studying on daily basis- studying actually gets easier, and just becomes a routine!!

studying languages is also really important once you learned the language, it is sooooooo easy to forget it if you dont use it.
so the number of hours you are in that enviroment (reading, wrting or communicating) will effect the skills- even if you dont use it daily, if you keep practicing, new knowldge can be dtored in ur brain fast :))))

recently, to train my brain-... i started following this site

this is free, you can hear the sample of short stories (like 3- 5 min) about on different categories and answer some questions to make sure you got the idea.
its quick and easy- the whole things is like 10min. long including checking the ansers- imagine how cool it would be to do a brain excercise just 10 min. a day and it helps you to remember better ??

im a blood type B, which is known as "easy to get bored on one thing" but i will try my best to stick with this idea for a while.
when i finish all the tasks, hopefully i get to go to the "upper" level!!
