
2011-12-05 | What's happening around the world
メリグル ★ 2011 December lunch box & JAZZ performance by maichans teacher!! my friend maichan(shes a great piano player) and i meet about once a month to go out for a good place to eat or where we can listen to goooood sounds like jazz. we have been doing that since we were 23or so. its great. so on Sundax we went for her piano teacher s happyokai. her teachers husband ir a guitor teacher,and they also have a drum teacher there, its a cozy, family type school. they have once a year recital and family and friends come and see the result of a year practice!!! little girl was playing guitar, high school girl singing heavy metal song, ukulele by old lady and along with that singing by her grandson! it was such a dreamcometrue for granma that day she said!!   amazing how music can connect people!! ahhh i wanna learn vocal and sing jazz on stage!!!!!


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good friend, good music... (chuchuchie)
2011-12-14 15:33:52
good friends, good music, what more can you ask for? :D

glad that you have had such a great friend for so long, and it's even better that you both love the same kind of music.

maybe you should take a vocal class. i've heard you sing and you're pretty good ^_^ it would be a nice hobby :)

thanks for sharing!